The Purpose of Creation

What is the Purpose of Creation? According to Islam and other monotheistic
religions, is to know God and to worship Him.

 *"I did not create Jinn and Men except that they may worship me"*

Inspired by this Islamic concept, even Baha'u'llah, the founder of the
Baha'i  Faith has incorporated in his daily prayer this verse: "I witness oh
my God that thou hast created me to know thee and to worship thee..."
stating clearly that the purpose of creation is to know god and to worship
him. As the consequence if one fails to know him and worship him he is
screwing the whole purpose of creation.

As a mater of fact knowing God is so crucial that if you fail he is not
going to forgive you ever. Anything else can be forgiven, but attributing
partnership to him will not.

*"Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He
forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah
is to devise a sin Most heinous indeedl" (Q.4:

In other words God would eventually forgive Hitler, Ayatollah Khomeini and
Saddam Hussein  or any other mass murderer but would not forgive, e.g.
Gandhi because the latter was a Hindu which according to Muslims is a
polytheistic religion.

One of the stumbling blocks for the religious people to give up the notion
of a personal God is the concept of creation. They ask how this world could
come into existence without a creator and for what reason?

Let us take a close look at this subject and see if it is reasonable to
believe that the creation of this universe is teleological and if God by
creating it intended to ultimately create people to know him and to worship

We know that humans separated from the chimps about four to six million
years ago. But it is about one hundred thousand years that we became homo
sapience (thinking people). Since then we started to use tools and adapt our
environment to suite our needs. Until 10,000 years ago the evolution of our
consciousness was probably very limited. During the last 10,000 years we
gained a sense of self. We became aware that we are different. If you
compare the evolution of humans to the growth of a single person, this
period represents the stage when a child learns to speak and become curious
of his environment. That is the time when he asks questions. He wants to
know why and how. Then it comes the age of adolescence. That is the time
when he is proud, he seeks power. He wants to assert his independence. He
becomes rebellious and bullies others. Only at the age of maturity he
acknowledges that he is part of the society and must act responsibly.

At present and in this phase of our evolution, we humans are just growing
out of our adolescence and entering the age of adulthood. Relatively
speaking we have started to use our brain very recently. There are many
questions we still don't know. We haven't found what are the right answers.
We mostly know what are NOT. For example, we know for certainty that the
Earth is not flat but still there are many mysteries about our planet that
we don't know. We are absolutely sure that the universe did not start 6000
years ago. We know certainly that all these animals including humans were
not created in one day as the stories of Bible and Quran narrate. We know
that everything has evolved. But we don't know the mechanism of this
evolution quite well. It is only during these last 200/300 years that we
have started to ask proper questions and find the right answers. During this
short period of time, we have learned a lot, but there is more to learn.

There are many theories about how we were created. These are scientific
theories. They are based on paleontology, genealogy, archaeology, and many
other related sciences. As we discover new things our theories about our
evolution also evolve. But we will never go back to the primitive idea of
creation, just as no matter how many new things we discover about the Earth,
we shall never find out that it is flat. Our ignorance of the things that we
don't know dose not invalidate our knowledge of the things that we know.

The next question we ask ourselves is why were we created. Religions have
their own answers. But the real answer is that we don't know! One thing we
know is that the purpose of our creation is not to know any deity or worship
any god, as Muhammad said and his followers believe. The reason is simply
because it does not make sense for a perfect God to create such vast
universe in order to put in a tiniest of its planets a semi intelligent
primate just to know him and to worship him. This idea becomes even less
plausible especially when we see that he never presented himself to his
creatures and plays hide and seek. If knowing him and worshipping him  was
so important to him as his messengers want to make us believe, and that this
was the main purpose of the creation, then it is logical to expect that he
would take this matter a little bit more seriously. Hiding behind the clouds
of secrecy and communicating to his creatures through another person of
dubious intention is a lame way of making himself known and worshipped. No
wonder he has failed so miserably to make his wish known by everyone. There
are so many religions and so many sects. All those who follow these
religions are sincere. But certainly not all those ways are from God. At
most only one of these ways are the right way that he has prescribed for his
people. But when you see that only a tiniest fraction of people follow any
one of these myriads of religions and sects you know that God has failed to
guide people clearly enough so they do not go astray.

It is a pity that God create such a vast universe and then only in a very
tiny planet called Earth, he implants the humans, and of these humans only a
tiniest fraction knows him and worships him. The rest who fail, do so not
out of contempt but because of the amount of the confusion that there is in
the religions.  If the purpose of the creation of this universe was to
create intelligent beings so that they may know God and worship him, I can
say for certainly that God has failed in his purpose. Something is wrong
with the design of this universe, which is certainly his own fault.

This universe is about 15 billion years old. Humans have come to the scene
very recently but Adam who was the first man and prophet according to Quran
is only 6000 years old. What was god doing for these billions of years when
there was no one to know him and to worship him? Must have been very lonely.

One may question why God NEEDS to be known and worshiped anyway? Any need is
a sign of a defect. This characteristic is more befitting of a narcissist
dictator who craves for recognition and adulation, who orders his
executioners to punish anyone who dares not to bow in front of him. It is
not befitting of an almighty God.

If God was so desperate to be known and worshiped, why he did not make
himself more manifest? Does it make sense for a supper wise god to cover
himself behind the clouds of secrecy, them send an illiterate man to call
humanity towards him, failing to arm him with proper miracles for the
benefit of those to whom he directly spoke and any rational arguments for
the benefit of those who have to read his writings hundreds of years later?

Muhammad, as is demonstrated in many verses of Quran, always refused to
perform miracles <>. In fact one
would expect that a person who knows everything and has seen the next world,
as he claimed, would at least be able to read and understand what is written
in his own language. Yet Muhammad remained illiterate all his life and he
bragged about it claiming it as the proof that his knowledge is of divine
origin and not leaned from the books written by men. This is a clear
indication that he performed no miracle at all. He rouse as an illiterate
man, ignorant of the world around him and died illiterate just as ignorant
as before he made his claim. There is no proof for us to believe that he was
a messenger of God on the basis of what is left of him in writing. The only
book that he left, and boasted to be a "miracle" is full of errors. Quran is
a book, which is scientifically, historically, logically, and grammatically
wrong. It is amazing that despite all the evidence, Muslims still rehash the
nonsense claim of Quran's miraculous nature. If there is any miracle is in
the mind of people who are so eager to fool themselves.

Another question is, if the only propose of creation is to know God, why
God's message is not logical? Why it goes against human reason? Why should
he give us a brain and expect us to forgo its use when it comes to such an
important thing, as knowing him? Isn't this what his messengers told us to
be the very raison d'être of our creation?

Okey,  I hear some of you say by now, let us give you the benefit of the
doubt and let us assume you are right and the purpose of the  creation is
not to know God and to worship Him. So can you please tell us what you think
it is?

In response I am afraid, as I said before; it is easier to know what the
truth is not than what it is. We don't know why the universe has come to be,
and we may never know. Yet because we are humans, we like to find out; and
when we cannot find out, we like to speculate. Primitive people thought that
since everything has a maker, this universe must be the handiwork of a deity
too. That is an speculation and cannot be proven logically. What I will tell
you here is also my speculation. It may not be right, or at best it may be
partially right. You may have a better understanding. But since neither you
nor me can prove what we say, you may also be as much wrong as I am.

I believe that this universe is the natural manifestation of a higher
reality. That reality is the Single Principle underlying the creation. Love
is one of the aspects of that Principle. There may not be a purpose to the
creation at all. It is there. Things in universe don't happen for a purpose.
What is the purpose of rain falling on the ocean? What is the purpose of
billions of pollens carried by the wind that do not fall to fertilize the
female flower? What is the purpose of the planets that are uninhabited, i.e.
do not support life? What is the purpose of the moon? Why some planets have
more moons and some none? As you see things happen apparently without a
reason. If God was the designer and the creator of this universe, then he is
a sloppy creator. If a chimp sit behind a typewriter pushing the keys his
rate of success in writing words that make sense are better than God's rate
of success in creating life. Billions of sperms go to waste for one of them
to fertilize an egg. Thousands of small turtles die or are eaten by
predators for one of them make it into adulthood. Scientists believe that
less than one in a million of the planets in our galaxy and other galaxies
may be able to support life. Look at our own solar system; out of the nine
planets only one is habitable. This is a poor performance by an almighty
god. If the ultimate purpose of creation was to have a two-legged creature
to prostrate in front of him and satiate his self-aggrandizing ego, why he
failed to populate other planets?

There are many indications that point to the fact that the evolution is not
teleological. There is no one sitting up there deciding on everything. But
everything happen governed by a principle. There is order in the universe.
This Order, this Cosmic Law, is undeniable. We see the order, but we cannot
understand the nature of it. It is the Principle underlying the creation.
Love is a manifestation of this Principle. May be all that there is, is the
natural expression of love. May be that is how the universe has come to be.
But who knows?

I believe this world, i.e. the physical world that you and I see and live in
it, is the womb for our soul. Just as the fetus grows in the womb of it's
mother acquiring a physical body that may not be even useful to him while
still in the womb, but it would be disastrous if he is born without a well
developed organ or limb, so is our soul acquiring a spiritual body that will
serve us when we depart from this world and are born into the
next.<>Love may be the
purpose of life. We have to grow in love. Express our love
to all members of human family, to all animals and plants and to all living
beings. May be this is the meaning and the purpose of life. To help someone
in distress, to alleviate someone's burden, to sooth someone's pain and to
put a smile in someone's face. I cannot see any purpose loftier in life,
than loving my fellow human beings. Can you?

Ali Sina

An interesting link on Paleontology<>
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