
>ofcourse noone iin his family will need to worry about it -- only the >New
Orleans' black natives need worry. Right?

Couldn't make out heads or tails here! Could you explain a bit more vividly>
If there was a caustic remark somewhere, I sure did miss it!


On 10/19/07, umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good to see an Indian American win something  - regardless of his hate
> crime laws opposition -ofcourse noone iin his family will need to worry
> about it -- only the New Orleans' black natives need worry. Right?
> Umesh
> *Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> Highlighting mine.
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> *An Improbable Favorite Emerges in Cajun Country*
> Lee Celano for The New York Times
> Bobby Jindal, left, an Indian-American, is favored to win the primary
> election for Louisiana governor by enough to avoid a runoff.
> Article Tools Sponsored By
> Published: October 19, 2007
> FRANKLINTON, La., Oct. 17 - An Oxford-educated son of immigrants from
> India is virtually certain to become the leading candidate for Louisiana's
> next governor in Saturday's primary election. It would be an unlikely choice
> for a state that usually picks its leaders from deep in the rural
> hinterlands and has not had a nonwhite chief executive since Reconstruction.
> But peculiar circumstances have combined to make Representative Bobby
> Jindal, a conservative two-term Republican, the overwhelming favorite.
> Analysts predict Mr. Jindal, 36, could get more than 50 percent of the vote
> in the open primary, thus avoiding a November runoff and becoming the
> nation's first Indian-American governor. If he fails to win a majority, he
> would face the next-highest vote getter in the runoff.
> Louisiana Democrats are demoralized, caught between the perception of
> post-hurricane incompetence surrounding their standard bearer, Gov. Kathleen
> Babineaux Blanco, who is not running for re-election, and corruption
> allegations against senior elected officials like William J. Jefferson, the
> congressman from New Orleans.
> Leading Democrats begged off the governor's race, and Mr. Jindal's
> opponents are from the second tier, trailing so badly in polls that Mr.
> Jindal has ignored most of the scheduled debates among candidates, leaving
> the challengers to take grumbling verbal shots at his empty chair.
> The prize is not necessarily an enviable one: Louisiana is the nation's
> poorest state, measured by per capita income; one of its unhealthiest; the
> worst in infant mortality; and the least educated. It is last in attracting
> new college-educated workers. Tens of thousands of people remain displaced
> by Hurricane Katrina, the police department in New Orleans still operates
> largely out of trailers, and neighborhoods are still trying to rebuild.
> "The storms didn't cause all of our problems - they revealed a lot of our
> problems," Mr. Jindal said in a brief interview this week. "It's an
> incredible opportunity to change the state."
> But he is not a natural fit for Louisiana. The state likes its governors
> to know the fundamentals of the Cajun two-step, speak some derivation of
> French patois, and at least get to a duck blind, regularly and publicly. But
> Mr. Jindal has labored assiduously to overcome the disadvantage of being a
> non-Cajun, Rhodes Scholar policy wonk whose given name was Piyush, and who
> has a penchant for 31-point plans.
> *He is a born-again Roman Catholic who has suggested that teaching
> intelligent design as an alternative to evolution may not be out of place in
> public schools, favors a ban on abortion and opposes hate-crimes laws.
> Conservative views aside, the slightly built congressman is anything but a
> backslapping good ol' boy.*
> He lost to Ms. Blanco in 2003 largely in places like this, Washington
> Parish, a hardscrabble rural area 70 miles north of New Orleans, where
> voters openly expressed unease four years ago about opting for someone of
> Mr. Jindal's race. In areas where the Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke won in
> the 1991 governor's race - here and in the deeply conservative parishes of
> north Louisiana - Mr. Jindal lost.
> But by Wednesday, three days before Mr. Jindal's second attempt at the
> governor's mansion, he was greeted here, if not with great warmth, at least
> without alarm. The congressman, tossing souvenir cups from a fire truck in a
> town parade, was met with shouts of "Hey Bobby!" from the rural whites
> lining the route.
> Mr. Jindal picked out familiar faces in the crowd, greeted the sheriff
> like an old friend and posed for a picture with man sporting a Confederate
> flag tattoo.
> For months, the congressman has cultivated the rural areas where he lost
> in 2003, "witnessing" in remote Pentecostal churches, neutralizing his image
> of being hyperqualified - head of the state health department at 24, head of
> the university system at 28 and under secretary for the Department of Health
> and Human Services at 30 under President Bush - that did not help him the
> last time. In one recent debate, Mr. Jindal boasted that he had made 77
> trips to north Louisiana since announcing his candidacy.
> Insinuations about his excessive intellectual capacity are still being
> made. "It's not going to be about the smartest person in this race," Walter
> Boasso, a Democratic state senator and one of Mr. Jindal's opponents, said
> recently. But such remarks do not seem to be catching on with voters
> apparently weary of bumbling at the Capitol in Baton Rouge and at City Hall
> in New Orleans.
> This time, Mr. Jindal is aiming his multipoint plans at ethical reform in
> state government, schools and economic development, and attacks on his
> wonkishness have fallen flat. Mr. Jindal kept a low profile after Hurricane
> Katrina, but opponents are not attacking him for that either, perhaps
> because few others in Louisiana's political class have stepped up.
> Mr. Jindal told a group in Jefferson Parish this week that he had "150
> specific proposals," after rattling unflinchingly through a good many in a
> 12-minute speech.
> He makes a particular case for a "war on corruption," as he puts it, in
> Baton Rouge, proposing to tighten financial disclosures on lobbyists and
> legislators and to prohibit business relationships between legislators and
> the state. He promises to build up infrastructure like ports, to devote
> attention to research universities and promote technical training. He hardly
> mentions Mr. Bush, a sharp contrast to four years ago when he often boasted
> of his connections to the president.
> Past governors have charged into Baton Rouge promising reform only to
> founder in the change-resistant Legislature. Mr. Jindal will most likely
> face long odds too, if he fulfills the near-universal prediction that he
> will come out on top.
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