Old news but still very much relevant. I did not see this befrore.
It is interesting to note that , one of the remarks he made on India during a 
visit in 1996 was 
" The lifestyle of the Indian elite is amazing. I have never seen such opulence 
even in America."

Frontline Exclusive 
Noam Chomsky in India 

       Noam Chomsky in India
      His incisive reasoning, searing sarcasm, passionate advocacy of political 
and social activism and keen sense of humour endeared Professor Noam Chomsky to 
audiences across the country. 
      A session with the polymath

      Noam Chomsky's Lecture at Chennai
      The transcripts: 

      Introduction by N. Ram
      Welcome Address by Sashi Kumar
      Lecture by Noam Chomsky
      Q & A Session
      Vote of Thanks by Mythily Sivaraman


Frontline: Table of Contents 


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