The English and the Scottish agreed to Unite in the first place.Now they may 
agree to split with a handshake.
Soviets did that in 1991-and in a week agreed to form CIS-which continues for 
most republics till date.
Assam never agreed to be attacked by the Myanmarese,
Assam never agreed to any agreement between the Myanmarese and some gun-toting 
Brit East India Co merchant in 1826Assam never agreed to be taken over by the 
British Crown from East India Company in London
Assamese never voted in any plebiscite in 1947 --and agreed to be ruled/looted 
by Delhis Deshi masters eternally/tremporarily.
Where is any question of agreeing to remain bonded?

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 07:00:20 +0000From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[Assam] Bravo English fairness! Indians should take note and support 
restoration of the Sovereign Independence of Assam.
33% of English 'want Union split',,-7029707,00.html 
Press Association Sunday October 28, 2007 1:23 AM
A third of English voters believe it is time for the country to split from 
Scotland, according to a new opinion poll.
In a survey carried out by the Sunday Mail, 33% of those questioned said they 
supported England being independent of Scotland.
Fifty-five per cent were in favour of keeping the Union and 12% said they did 
not know.
It is an increase on the 31% who said they were in favour of breaking the union 
when the newspaper carried out the same poll a year ago.
First Minister Alex Salmond welcomed the findings.
The SNP leader told the Sunday Mail: "Scotland and England need a new 21st 
century relationship, based upon equality and mutual respect and this poll 
shows that the movement towards independence north of the Border is being 
reflected south of the border.
"Scottish independence means English independence too - governing in the best 
interests of both our countries, and working as partners in Europe.
"We are winning the argument for Scotland to take responsibility, and benefit 
from our own natural resources, and that position is striking a chord in 
The Sunday Mail's figures also suggest that there is more support for 
independence in England than in Scotland.

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