Hey Ruby,

get a life.

Grow out of your ULFA days -- now lead a peaceful life -- you are now SULFA -- 
Surrendered ULFA -- get a job. Forget your delusions of the past .  Remember 
that even BBC reported about your surrender


ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Bartta Bistar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report


The above article posted by one ‘IE’ on
assamnet.org on October 23 is obviously an attempt to
manipulate the study titled “Who Benefits from
Civil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam”, reported
to have been carried out for the World Bank, so as to
undermine the historic reasons for the national
struggle to regain the sovereign independence of Asom.
 Quoting from the World Bank report, may be out of
context,  about the “direct nexus” between
the Asom-India conflict and a ‘weak
economy’ betrays the ulterior motif to divert
the core issue of our sovereignty and independence to
that of a ‘weak economy’ implying thereby
that effective measures to strengthen the economy will
take the wind out of our struggle. Certainly, as had
happened in any colonial situation, the percentage of
unemployment in Asom is also very high under Indian
colonial occupation. But this does not necessarily
undermine the primary importance of the historic
reasons that propels our struggle forward, though the
colonial economy convince our people that the national
struggle is also their struggle for existence.
Therefore, the primary source of motivation for the
youth of Asom impelling them join the national
struggle is patriotism and the faith in our
sovereignty and independence. A weak economy and the
resultant unemployment and corruption are  general
phenomenon in any colonial situation. As such, it is
the colonial situation that gave rise to the national
liberation struggle of Asom, not just the
“direct nexus” between the
“conflict” and the “weak
  Arabinda Rajkhowa


seems god article.
HS article on the same topic - not specific to Assam
that if enough groups in large enough numbers and
different ethicities exists - such problems are more
pronounced -- 97% Han Chinese China has no such
problem - (side note: -- I have a Chinese roommate
-says there are elephants in China)


Bartta Bistar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report

By IE 
Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM 
The on-going conflict in Assam, that claimed over
4,400 lives between 1992 and 2001, has a "direct
nexus" with a weak economy, making it easier for
militant groups to find "young recruits", a study
carried out under the aegis of World Bank has

The study titled "Who benefits from Civil Wars? Some
evidence from Assam", pointed out that unemployment,
especially among the youth, showed disturbing trends
in the 1990s, which in turn had adverse implications
for the persistence of conflict. 

"The number of unemployed youths in Assam  registered
sharpest rise among 15 major states, between 1983 and
1993," the report said, pointing out that by 1993-94
(when Army operations against militants were in full
swing), "the number of unemployed youths in Assam was
about three times higher than the rest of India". 

The argument of "easy recruitment" of potential rebels
is indirectly supported by this data, the study said.
The study was carried for the World Bank by Deepa
Narayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. 

The study also pointed out that though there were
several historic reasons behind the on-going conflict
in the state, the employment situation severely
deteriorated, particularly in the rural areas, during
the course of the conflict. "Though the level of rural
unemployment had been lower than that in urban areas
during the year of conflict, it is in the rural areas
that the sharpest increase in unemployment was
recorded," the study revealed.  

The rural population was more affected during the
intensified phase of conflict between 1983 and 1993,
the report said, with statistics showing that the
number of rural poor increased sharply from 73.53 lakh
in 1987-88 to 94.33 lakh in 1993-94. 
There have been some signs of improvement in the
overall employment scenario from 2000 onwards, but the
situation is yet to reach any turn-around, the study
On the "nexus" between weak economy and conflict, the
study revealed that nearly 75 per cent of the
respondents in conflict-affected areas reported that
their village had a "weak" to "very weak" local
But what is more alarming is the increasing level of
corruption that itself could be a factor responsible
for the underdevelopment or slow pace of development
in the state. "Corruption in local government offices
marked a turn for the worse. Respondents in more than
65 per cent of the communities  surveyed agreed that
government officials in their village and
neighbourhood were corrupt," the study said. 
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Umesh Sharma

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Ed.M. - International Education Policy
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Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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