Muivah seeks special federal relations with India



*Monday November 5, 03:51 PM*

By Sanjay Kumar

New Delhi,Nov 3 (ANI): The General Secretary of the National Socialist
Council of Nagaland (Isac-Muivah), Isak Muivah, has for the first time made
it clear that he is not seeking independence from India, but wants a special
type of relationship with the country.

In a free wheeling interview with ANI in Delhi, Muivah underlined the
limitation of the NSCN (IM)'s compromise on the issue of sovereignty. He
also appreciated the centre's concern on the issue of the country's security
in Nagaland.

"It should be a type of federation-federation to be bound up in such a way
that neither side be detrimental to the interests of other. That means
almost being one, bound up", said the veteran insurgent leader, who was in
Delhi for talks with the Indian Government.

When asked what that federal relationship meant, Muivah underlined the bold
steps that his outfit is willing to take to guarantee India's security and
strategic concerns in the bordering states of Nagaland.

"Bold steps when we say Nagaland must be defended by India in the event of
external threat, it must serve the interest of India. It amounts to
defending the security of India. When it comes to the content of External
Affairs, the primary responsibility must be taken by India. We will accept
the Indian currency. With regard to Naga identity, the Naga should never be
expected to abandon their being Naga, their identity involves the
citizenship of Nagaland and at the same time the citizenship of India. More
than that what do you expect from the Naga", emphasized NSCN (IM) leader.

Muivah was at pains to point out that despite so much of "coming down" from
our original position, the Indian Government is not showing the sincerity
required to solve the problem.

He blamed a "hardcore" group from the government side who are "coming in the
way of progress in talks".

When asked to react on Muivah's formulation of an Indo- Naga relationship, a
senior Central Government official said that the government is approaching
the talks with an "open mind".

The centre is concerned about the outfit's continued relationship with China
since the sixties. Muivah in the initial years of his insurgent career
walked down to China to get training.

When asked about his reported departure to Europe in near future, Muivah did
not deny it.

"Yes, nothing positive happens, I need to go off for sometime and whenever
necessary I can come back".

The two sides recently concluded talks on the ninth of this month. A glimmer
of hope, however, seems to be there with both parties deciding to form
committees to discuss core issues. The discussion in the committees will
decide the contour of the next round of talks.

When the ceasefire was extended for the indefinite period on July 31, it was
hailed as a landmark development.In the previous round of talks held abroad
and in New Delhi, the NSCN-IM had submitted a charter of demands to the
Government that included the creation of a separate Constitution for
Nagaland, a "new and unique" relationship with New Delhi and unification of
Naga-inhabited areas of Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam.

But these three states have rejected the demand.

In the Bangkok talks held last year, both sides had agreed on a broad
framework to define a relationship that could end Naga insurgency.

There was, however, confusion over the parameters of the broad framework.

Muivah arrived in India in December last year, while Swu came to the country
in the first week of January. Since then, they have been in Nagaland for
discussions with NSCN-IM cadres and civil society and political leaders on
the group's key demands. (ANI)
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