>>destination. But good enough for a night's rest
>>after a long drive. 
>>Clean sheets. Hot shower. Flushing Toilet.

If you read the review you will see that many do not
even have these basic stuff

>>*** Why is it an EXCUSE? What is unbelievable or
>>unreasonable about 
>>my explanation? Are ALL HOJOS  bad, hell holes,
>>like your Orlando 

Many are ,  as evident from numerous feedback in net.
And similarly your one experience in Dumdum does not
make it that ALL hotels in India are horrible.

>>of stale curry 
>>in the corridors are a turnoff, but hey, you get
>>what you pay for.

Exactly!  And that's what you get when you book a
hotel for Rs1200 in Dumdum ... that too without any

>>**** For a very simple reason: Those that are
>>halfway decent are 
>>horribly expensive, like $ 300.00 per night or
>>more. For that kind of 
>>money one could stay at the Ritz Carltons in the US.

But are not those for the Rich and the Famous .. like
you :-)

>>Those who complain won't 
>>if they could just get a clean bed with a flushing
>>toilet and hot 
>>water in the shower in the winter and the panes not
>>missing from 
>>windows and the like.

Are not there similar complaints against many of the
US hotels ..... I mean that's what I see all over the
net ... unless those complaints are all cooked up by
some Desis.

>>To arrive at 3:00 AM and paying $ 
>>300.00 to stay till 8:00 AM just does NOT make any

Then you will have to go by your own words ...."You
get what you pay for"

>>*** Why don't you tell us of a few at DumDum, the
>>subject of the arguments.

You do not pay me to do your research .   I do not
need any hotel in Dumdum (because I stopover at
Mumbai) and so never tried to find.
But a tip for All travelers ... there is an excellent
book -- Bhraman Sangi ..originally in Bengali but I
guess they have now translated in English.  
I found their recomendation more reliable then AAA.

>>**** Well!!!  That therefore sets the standard of
>>the Indian hotel 
>>industry.  Must be another example of
>>cutting edge statistical savvy, driving desis to
>>making sweeping 
>>judgements from the exceptions to the norm.

Definitely not sir,  definitely not !  The standard is
what is preached by people like you who have visited
just may be one or two places in India,  stayed in
India for a total of may be les then 100 days in 20
years  and still are experts.  People like me who have
widely travelled accross different locations of India
are just ignorant fools :-)

>>>  >>ANOTHER could be that these HOJO s are
facilities in
>>>locations, exceptions to the norm.  I am not
>familiar with New York
>Excuse and more excuse.
>BTW,  any explanation why such HOJOs are rated by AAA
>with its diamond rating which "lives upto its

*** Why is it an EXCUSE? What is unbelievable or
unreasonable about 
my explanation? Are ALL HOJOS  bad, hell holes, like
your Orlando 

>Or the Days Inn  and  Or Travelodge

**** Both are widely known to be cheap chains .

Not that they are always filthy. Some are quite nice.
Many are run by 
desis.  I have stayed in a few over the years. But
their quality is 
not uniform and they do serve those whose budgets
can't reach the 
more expensive and of uniform quality.  Sometimes
there are no other 
alternatives in the locale, because it is not a
popular travel 
destination. But good enough for a night's rest after
a long drive. 
Clean sheets. Hot shower. Flushing Toilet.  The smell
of stale curry 
in the corridors are a turnoff, but hey, you get what
you pay for.

>  >And BTW,  why do the NRAs who can afford bunglows
>Gas Guzzlers go for cheap hotels in India (and then
>use their experience as a benchmark against Indian
Hotel industry).

**** For a very simple reason: Those that are halfway
decent are 
horribly expensive, like $ 300.00 per night or more.
For that kind of 
money one could stay at the Ritz Carltons in the US.

They complain about the horribly poor quality of the
hotels that are 
highly overpriced, even by Indian standards. Those who
complain won't 
if they could just get a clean bed with a flushing
toilet and hot 
water in the shower in the winter and the panes not
missing from 
windows and the like.

>  >.. can you suggest something which I
should consider.

***  Heard of tripadvisor?

>  >it will be safe to
assume that you can afford 5 stars during your short
stays in India .

*** Yes I could, and I might have been driven to,  if
one were to be 
available conveniently, like next to the airport at
Dum Dum and not 
half hour away at say Salt Lake or the Stadium or an
hour away at 
Chowringhee or Park Circus. But I do not believe in
throwing money 
away, even if I could afford to. To arrive at 3:00 AM
and paying $ 
300.00 to stay till 8:00 AM just does NOT make any

That is the difference.

>  >There are CHOICES everywhere just the way you
found in
>Calcutta or Delhi

*** Why don't you tell us of a few at DumDum, the
subject of the arguments.

>  >I have travelled extensively in India
>South India) and there are definitely decent budget

**** Well!!!  That therefore sets the standard of the
Indian hotel 
industry.  Must be another example of
cutting edge statistical savvy, driving desis to
making sweeping 
judgements from the exceptions to the norm.

At 10:29 AM -0800 1/13/08, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>  >>Proves what I heard about HOJO -- that it is  not
>>>something a
>>>discerning traveler would patronize. Obviously the
>>>jokes I heard when
>>>we moved to St. Louis in 1975 had merit.
>Or the Days Inn
>Or Travelodge --
>Or the endless list of budget hotels in US.
>And many of these rated by AAA with its Diamond
>>>So when a  desi H1B, highly skilled in information
>collection ,
>>>knowing 'tripadvisor' like the palm of one's hand,
>raking in high
>>>wages, go zero in on a HOJO as a BRAND NAME to
>trust, something tells
>>>me there is a problem here, of expectations, at the
>>>very least.
>Hmm..  not as high wage as you Sir ... sitting in a
>luxury bunglow and advising Indians.
>So I should discount HOJO as brand name,  Days Inn as
>brand name ... can you suggest something which I
>should consider.
>And BTW,  why do the NRAs who can afford bunglows and
>Gas Guzzlers go for cheap hotels in India (and then
>use their experience as a benchmark against Indian
>Hotel industry).
>Though you have learned all about my wage, I am not
>exactly sure about your wage but from some bits and
>pieces of info I have accumulated,  it will be safe
>assume that you can afford 5 stars during your short
>stays in India .
>>>There could be other problems too that one can
>>>speculate on. But that
>>>I will leave to the imagination of readers :-).
>>>How does it stay in business?
>>>ONE answer would be that it has a sales weapon.
>>>Perhaps cost.  There
>Why not apply the same logic to the Dumdum hotel.
>>>are people who cannot afford any better and are
>>>forced to take what
>>>is offered. Like the low cost grocery stores where
>>>they sell
>>>sub-standard and wilted or slightly rotting but
>>>still edible produce.
>>>Or the slum dwellings in ghettos.  Or the used car
>>>bought for $ 500.
>>>So on and so forth.
>>>Those of us who went thru the  immigrant experience
>>>and had no money
>>>when we arrived in the country, should know. The
>>>search for a motel
>>>under $10.00 per night  before darkness falls in
>>>our weekend forays
>>>into the heartland and backwoods of California is
>>>still fresh in my
>>>memory. Fortunately though we always did find a
>>>clean and safe place.
>>>Took a little doing, but one was always available,
>  >>ANOTHER could be that these HOJO s are facilities
>>>locations, exceptions to the norm.  I am not
>familiar with New York
>Excuse and more excuse.
>BTW,  any explanation why such HOJOs are rated by AAA
>with its diamond rating which "lives upto its
>Actually I can suggest you an easier excuse.  Just
>blame all these complaints against Desis suffering
>from inferiority complex.
>>>City, but 34th street does not ring a bell as a
>destination spot. So,
>>>while HOJO at 34th street may  be like  a Dum Dum
>airport three star
>>>facility or the one at Orlando is like a dharamsala
>at Mathura,
>others might be just fine and up to standard as
>>>anything that could
>be expected.
>>>Therefore  boils down to  doing one's due
>>>diligence. Because there
>>>ARE plenty of good, reliable and reasonably priced
>>>motels and hotels
>>>across the USA, in small towns and big cities.  I
>not that well
>>>traveled, but from the little I have seen, US
>and motels are
>>>the best VALUES
>There are CHOICES everywhere just the way you found
>Calcutta or Delhi
>I have travelled extensively in India (particularly
>South India) and there are definitely decent budget
>But anyway,  just by seeing one or two hotels in one
>or two locations of India, you seem to be the expert
>:-) .... you know "I know better" thing
>>>  and most easily available in the world. Just like
>>>On the other hand, are there such choices at Dum
>>>Dum? Or at Guahati?
>>>That IS the issue, the point of the debate.
>At 7:03 AM -0800 1/13/08, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>>Just a few complaints on HOJOs. There are tonns of
>>such complaints on HOJO and other budget hotels if
>>search the net .
>>    Food for thought for  some HArvard MBA on how
>>(and other budgest hotels)  are still in business

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