If I may, I think that one has the right to discuss about his ideas concerning 
freedom, liberty etc. . An individual has the right to his own opinion. Only 
thing is he does not have the right to snatch other's life and property or 
freedom. Having said that, if someone has snatched his life or property, he may 
as well have the right to defend himself against such crime and give vent to 
his opinion. The only point to be discussed is whether in the context of a 
factual matrix a particular action can be termed as crime or not. Do we 
eulogise Bhagat Singh as a patriot or condemn him as a terrorist? Can we 
support a government action to dispossess a big chunk of population from their 
land and livelihood for the cause of big business and generation of paltry 
employment? Judgment on such contentious issues will depend upon the relative 
position and therefore, the outlook of the onlooker. A condemnation from a 
particular quarter that has a vested interest does not clinch an issue in
 one way or the other. Even if Mr. Bordoloi has posed as Ruby Bhuyan or for 
that matter anyone, it may be sedition from one point of view only, that of the 
present Indian State, but we should also be aware of the fact that boundaries 
of the states and countries keep on changing all over the world. There is 
nothing sacrosanct about these things in so far as history is concerned. Prior 
to the British there was Moghul empire, then British India, after that India 
and Pakistan, then Bangladesh, then vanishing trick done by Sikkim, all these 
are parts of history and therefore there can be no cut and dried principle to 
decide the culpability of a person's action in such a milieu. It is always 
contextual. My only point is whether Mr. Bordoloi or for that matter anyone 
posing as Ruby Bhuyan or whatever, committed any crime towards other human 
beings in the context of civilisation?

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  C-da,

I may not be sure of the crime but it does appear that the ULFA newsletter is 
written and published by Mr Bordoloi - who perhaps is the Ruby Bhuyan who is 
supposed to send it to AssamNet etc.


Chan Mahanta wrote: 

I read and I was quite amused by desi-justice represented by whoever 
made the following statements:

>Investigators claimed to have detected documents in the sent folder -----

*** That must therefore be unimpeachable proof , right? Question is 
of WHAT? Does it prove that Lachit Bordoloi has been involved in 
forgery? If so, WHO is making the complaint? Arabinda Rajkhowa, or 
the Kolkata rag, or Kharkhowa police?

>was arrested last month on charges of helping Ulfa under the cover 
>of being a mediator for peace.--

*** Wow! That must be an awful crime, since he would be unique. Or 
would he? Anyone who has half a workinbg brain should be able to 
figure that out. Or so I hope.

>The officer said there was also evidence of Bordoloi distributing 
>Freedom, the Ulfa mouthpiece.

*** Heh-heh-heh! This is hilarious.

>A senior police officer said investigators were almost sure that 
>Bordoloi "generated" the incriminating >documents. "These were found 
>in the sent folder and not in the inbox, implying that Bordoloi had 
>been >generating these documents. They did not come from Ulfa."

**** No wonder these guys can never get a conviction on anything. 
Imagine 'almost sure ' as a proof presented in a court of law that is 
slightly higher in the scale than a kangaroo variety and get a 

Further more, WHAT crime would it be to 'forge' an Arabinda Rajkhowa 
document--since according to the 'almost sure' crowd they did not 
come from ULFA ? It will be interesting to find out, won't it? Burt I 
won't hold my breath.

>The officer said the police had built a strong case against 
>Bordoloi, based on evidence and >confessions by people he was 
>associated with.

*** Right! Those confessions must be very reliable. Like what earned 
a death sentence for that Kashmiri-- (what's his name?) allegedly for 
shooting up the Parliament building. Except that that world bore 
down on India, seeing what a travesty that was. I don' t see anyone 
clamoring for that speedy execution any more.

>Sources in the home department said more cases would be registered 
>against Bordoloi to ensure that >he remained in custody.

*** Thats how desi-justice has always worked, hasn't it? Imprison 
those -- mete out out punishment--on the sly, since they can't get 
anyone convicted thru a system of ordinary justice.

>>"We have more explosive charges against Bordoloi and are looking 
>>for evidence,"

*** Of course!

And assmnetters going ga-ga over it?

Shame on you .!

>- Police slap more charges on Bordoloi

Lachit Bordoloi
Guwahati, March 2: Arrested rights activist and Ulfa-appointed 
mediator Lachit Bordoloi had been emailing statements on the outfit's 
behalf to the media with chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa's scanned 
signature on them, police said today.
Investigators claimed to have detected documents in the sent folder 
of Bordoloi's email account - they accessed it on his laptop - with 
the Ulfa chairman's signature on them.
The People's Consultative Group member, also an adviser to the Manab 
Adhikar Sangram Samiti, was arrested last month on charges of helping 
Ulfa under the cover of being a mediator for peace. He is in judicial 
A senior police officer said investigators were almost sure that 
Bordoloi "generated" the incriminating documents. "These were found 
in the sent folder and not in the inbox, implying that Bordoloi had 
been generating these documents. They did not come from Ulfa."
What is not known is whether Rajkhowa authorised Bordoloi to use his 
signature on documents meant to be circulated on Ulfa's behalf. The 
police have registered a second case against him for abetting, aiding 
and endorsing the views of a proscribed organisation.
The officer said there was also evidence of Bordoloi distributing 
Freedom, the Ulfa mouthpiece. "All the evidence is there on his 
A police search of Bordoloi's Guwahati residence on February 9 
yielded the laptop and some other materials. He was arrested two days 
later in Moran, based on the confessions of two arrested Ulfa 
Bordoloi was charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 
with "having a role in collecting funds for Ulfa" and under sections 
120B and 121 of the IPC for "waging war against the state".
The officer said the police had built a strong case against Bordoloi, 
based on evidence and confessions by people he was associated with. 
The MASS finance secretary, Judhajit Das, said in a Rangia court that 
Bordoloi had asked him to help some Ulfa militants ferry arms and 
When Das declined, the arrested leader allegedly asked him to get in 
touch with a MASS leader from Darrang who had agreed to do the job.
Sources in the home department said more cases would be registered 
against Bordoloi to ensure that he remained in custody.
"We have more explosive charges against Bordoloi and are looking for 
evidence," one of them said.

At 9:59 AM -0500 3/3/08, Ram Dhar wrote:
>pls read
>forum moderators may read this , 100s of us receive the same 
>e-mail content coz we are subscribed to this forum.... 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] my be held accountable for facilitating 
>it as well ...............
> ..I could be wrong... I am all for free speech et al but just 
>wondering how this scenario stands ......just a thought........
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