A valid question regarding statistics about Assam's potato output and 
consumption has been asked. I frankly admit that at this moment I do not have 
the statistics with me. But non-availability of government statistics do not 
right a wrong or does it? Having said that, can we not admit that there is 
atleast an effort here to be really self suficient than the pretensions ( which 
some of us actually applauded) during the so called Assam Movement? Is it not 
better than being agents of Indian trade mafia? And this effort is sought to be 
nipped in the bud by design.
   When we say that Assam is treated like a colony, it is for basically 
economic considerations, though political, strategic or cultural considerations 
come in to form a complex. If someone wants to say that Indian polity is using 
Assam as a colony for no apparent reason, then I will simply stop here. Because 
in that case there is nothing to discuss and everything is Maya.
  To break free  of this hinterland or colony status, by whatever name called, 
is not economic self-sufficiency 'also' a must? ( I personally think it is the 
foremost, but I am allowing grounds there) Now a laudable effort in the agarian 
sector through production of potato or vegetables is being made, does not merit 
our support? Assam's prime arable lands had been converted to tea-gradens of 
the British and of 'imported' labours, excluding the natives from the entire 
process and stifling the native capital formation, for the purpose of 
'colonial' exploitation.All local initiatives had been nipped in the bud. Now 
when  another form of colonial structure wants to stifle any local initiative 
towards self-sufficiency and capital formation,by design, to perpetuate the 
loot, I wonder why a truly patriotic Oxomiya should sneer/ jeer at such an 
effort as 'pea-nuts' and stand on the side of the mafia. It is clearly visible 
that in Assam the only commercial actvity is that of trade,
 and why a trade-lobby that has been making super-profits out of trade would 
not try to destroy any local threats.    
  A reference has been made about REAL reasons for Assam's discontent. 
'Sovereignty' 'freedom' etc. are not tangible and are ideas. Their 
manifestations in 'real' life are when one is robbed of his employement, 
profession, land, speech, movement etc. by design or my force. If those real 
manifestations are not assailed, I personally do not see any future for an 
agenda of freedom or independence. It is because of the simple reason that 
people will not be able to be interested for too long in vague slogans, as they 
have their real life problems to solve. Yes, they can be duped for a while, as 
we have already seen in Assam. Destabilsation can be caused by a few 
gun-totting persons with all good intentions in the world; transfer of power 
from one ruling clique to another of equal tyrranical character, be it local or 
foreign brand, can be achieved, but it shall not bring any succour to the 
people of Assam. It will not be any different from the Hindutva or Muslim 
fanaticism as a
 cure to all ills.   
  I find it interesting that a question has been asked as to what  progress has 
been made in Assam's power front while sneering at the complaint about poor 
electricity position. Now, I ask myself a question..... who do we expect would 
do that? A regime in Delhi that does not want Assam to develop or their 
lackeys? They do not even allow us to produce potato and sell properly in our 
own markets! So, this complaint will linger for a while and one has to have the 
patience of a life- time for that. It is true that Indian governance has 
systemic dysfunction, but what choice the people have? Dispensations that do 
not even have a visible economic policy or program.... can we be persuaded to 
rely on them. We may be brow-beaten to reticence, well, that's a diffrent 
issue. We have a hobsons'  choice here.
  Yes, the protests against economic designs against Assam and against 
destruction of archelogical relics are not mutually exclusive. That is what I 
said. I said that economic designs are no lesser questions. So along with the 
other campaign against building of Sai Baba Mandir near Siva Doul, protests 
against the destruction of aluguti industry of Barpeta may also be added. That 
was what I suggested:-) 

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Then why this sudden drop in potato prices? Its answer can be 
>found in the huge production of potato >in Barpeta district under 
>the aegis of the Oxom Unnati Sabha.

**** I am no economist, nor am I conversed in the intricacies of 
market manipulation, be it in India or be it in the USA. But one 
question does come to mind: What is Assam's total potato crop? My 
guess would be it is minuscule.

Assam has been a victim of many forms of exploitation perpetrated by 
India and Indians, but if Assam's potato production volume being 
what it must be, I don't think the Indian potato mafia is the one to 
have manipulated the pricing to destroy the Borpetia-aluguti 
industry. Crying wolf one too many times destroys the credibility of 
REAL reasons for Assam's discontent and outrage that is so skillfully 
kept under the rug by Assam's establishment.

>Moreover, storing in Assam is a bit difficult, because of dearth of 
>cold storage facility and lack of >electricity to run the cold 
>storages effectively.

**** I have heard of this complaint for, at the very least, a quarter 
century, if not more. Question is what have we seen as progress in 
this front? Those who are ready to advise patience have a 
responsibility to explain WHY and HOW MUCH more patience Assam must 
endure. And those pillars of Assam's society who would acknowledge 
the problem but would continue to aid and abet the systemic 
dysfunction of Indian governance over Assam which is /are 
responsible, are at best sly operators trying to have it both ways.

> I believe that we should do whatever we can to foil and expose 
such nefarious designs.

*** When those are REAL, I agree we should. What holds us back?

> I am also surprised that the outfits that want secession or 
>sovereignty of Assam, do not point out >these injustices in everyday 
>life and restrict themselves to denouncing state atrocities, to 
>which >campaign people have become desensitized to an extent, as it 
>smacks of partisanship.

*** Two points to note:

A: It is the same kind of logic that Indian apologists of Assam make 
about holding ULFA responsible for border protection, or taunting 
them for taking shelter in B'desh or challenging them to undertake 
development projects in Assam. It is a patently immature tactic 
and/or complaint. Could be described in much harsher terms. I will 
be pleased to explain if absolutely necessary. But I prefer not to 
get all that
harsh :-).

B: One cannot dismiss these villains on the one hand as 
inconsequential or stupid or both and on the other hand expect them 
to air their views in the media, while knowing full well that they 
won't be able to get a letter to the editor that mince no words, 
published; let alone be given publicity by the media controlled by 
the entrenched media. That is living in a make-believe world.

> I believe that we should do whatever we can to foil and expose 
>such nefarious designs. Yes, >desecration of archeological relics is 
>important issue to tackle. But brazen economic loot is no less 
>a >question.

**** These are NOT zero sum games in where they are exclusive of each 
other; where if one is pursued the other must be abandoned, just like 
everything else in life. The complaint is not at all valid.

At 6:44 AM +0100 3/31/08, uttam borthakur wrote:
>A news item in Pratidin makes a difficult reading. Less of facts, 
>more of opinions.
> But an item published on 31st March2008 is of concern. The prices 
>of potato have suddenly plummetted in Assam. Apparently it should 
>indicate the positive impact of withdrawal of Value Added Tax on 
>food items. But it is not, because of the simple reason that the 
>prices of rice-cereals etc. have remained sky-high.
> Then why this sudden drop in potato prices? Its answer can be 
>found in the huge production of potato in Barpeta district under the 
>aegis of the Oxom Unnati Sabha. In order to ensure that the Oxomiya 
>farmers producing potato incur loss and do not dare to cultivate it 
>again successfully, the mainland India trading lobby or the 
>oligopoly or the cartel, by whatever name called, has suddenly 
>reduced the market prices of potato so that the reigning market 
>prices would not allow the local cultivators recover the input 
>prices, let alone make a profit. Moreover, storing in Assam is a bit 
>difficult, because of dearth of cold storage facility and lack of 
>electricity to run the cold storages effectively.
> Such things have been taking place in Assam for a number of years 
>in respect of tea, vegetables and now Potato. Some people may argue 
>that let the market forces rule, as in any free market system. But 
>history of economics shows that it is the trade barriers, subsidies 
>and in short the protective policies of the state that have allowed 
>the economies of rich nations grow. So such advocates actually are 
>the spokespersons of the mighty, and in this case that of the 
>mainland India that uses Assam like a hinterland. Moreover, had it 
>been a fairplay, it would have been acceptable. But here is a design 
>working to stifle capital formation in Assam and the Indian State 
>and its local lackeys are helping such a design to succeed by its 
>inaction or covert helping hand.
> I believe that we should do whatever we can to foil and expose 
>such nefarious designs. Yes, desecration of archeological relics is 
>important issue to tackle. But brazen economic loot is no less a 
> I am also surprised that the outfits that want secession or 
>sovereignty of Assam, do not point out these injustices in everyday 
>life and restrict themselves to denouncing state atrocities, to 
>which campaign people have become desensitized to an extent, as it 
>smacks of partisanship. The major problem with these outfits are 
>that they have failed to give anyone an alternative picture or 
>system, if they have one, to fire the imaginations of the people, 
>who they apparently want to win over.
>Uttam Kumar Borthakur
> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now
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