
About this time last night (2:07am) we were watching on our laptops the 
documentary The Blair-witch Project shot in 1999, about a witch, which is 
supposed to be living in Burkittsville , Maryland, about 30 miles from my 
roommate's parents' home and about 50 miles (75 kilometers) from White House in 
DC. We went there today and at about 12:22am (just after midnight) we were in 
the heart of Burkittsville village. http://www.burkittsville.com/

 It was an eerie place. Someone in India cannot imagine the ghostly quiet of 
the place. Though the place was spic and span , the roads were single lane even 
in the middle of the place - just like an Indian rural hamlet. There was not a 
soul in sight. No sound. Not even a car. Not shop open for miles around - for 
even the other two small towns we had come through to reach it. No barking dogs 
to greet  you or cows swishing their tales  as in any Indian  town/hamlet. 

Sound power
I think after Jan 14, 2004 I had tried sound waves to soothe and ward off  
danger/evil.  On Jan  14, 2004  in the  foothills of the Aravali mountain range 
 I was  exploring  a  new  route  through the reserve forest . A bearded hermit 
who lived in the temple in the heart of the jungle had commented  that  "Maybe 
its a leopard,"  when the peacocks shrieked and flew up beating their wings 
with loud swishing sounds echoing in the V shaped valley. Then my dog Rambo 
came in view, which was chasing them. However, it was only later, when we we 
were deeper into the jungle that Rambo became terrified. It left all heroism 
and crept closer to me, tail lowered and hair bristling. Maybe it had smelled 
the leopards, prowling above our heads. We were in the ravine, flanked by the 
hills on one side and the sandy badlands on the other. 

The sandy badlands had many cuts and turns and I feared that the tawny cats 
were waiting to pounce on their choice dish  - dog meat. Thus, I had taken out 
the aluminum dog bowl which I had brought along to feed Rambo - and taking a 
stone started bating on it ward off the danger. Having read Jim Corbett's 
leopard and tiger hunting adventure's in the Himalayas , I had realized that 
villagers shouted loudly and hit the ground with sticks to frighten the  cats 
away during night travel. I beat the dog bowl for about an hour or 5 kms (3 
miles) till we came to the city houses etc and saw people around. 

Two days later I had traveled 800 miles by train to take the Test of Spoken 
English at Allahabad conducted online from the US - I got 5 out of 6.


Similarly, when I saw my roommate stiffen, as we turned onto the two-lane road 
leading to Burkittsville , and the lonely, dark surroundings, I thought it wise 
to start mantra power.  I started with "Ram-ji Ki Jai," later shifted to  Om 
Namaha  Shivayah," the the Gayatri Mantra. Even invoked Jesus  Christ and 
Muhammad.  But settled on the Gayatri mantra which is directed at no-one 
divinity in particular but towards the invocation of the Supreme Power in 

Gayatri mantra continued as we crept along the narrow highway winding its way 
across darkened countryside. It is very hard to frighten me but why take 
chances. Why not have God on your side. It was just past midnight when we had 
turned the corner it was 12:13 am, just past midnight. I would have imagined 
people walking about , such a nice, warm, windy night - even in any Indian 
village or town. Here was not even a cat or a bird on the prowl.

So Gayatri Mantra (favorite of my ex-army officer father and even the dead 
honest police general family friend) to the rescue, which I recited for atleast 
30 minutes till we reached the other town again - away from Burkittsville. 

Ofcourse, my roommate recited a few times  but settled for rock and roll and 
even tried to invoke the evil power of Taliban and Bin Laden to beat the 
witch!! -- through a Tamil song on his CD "Taliban Alla Alla , Bin Laden Alla 
Alla" (which actually means - I don't care if Taliban or Bin Laden are angry at 
me). He reasoned that Taliban can beat the witch (implying that Taliban is 
eviler than the small time witch). I was trying to reason with him that the 
witch can be befriended through love, but why take chances - invoke Gayatri 
Mantra to have God on our side.

GPS helps navigation.

more later.

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

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