Let us go back to basics:

What is World Class
Why any University   needed at all.
Why aim to get degrees to everybody
I told in a meeting when they were planning to start IIT-G 'In Assam we do not 
need any Research-we could do a lot of Search'  Every Tom -Dick was upset.
Big NAME (World Class)Universities are scrambling to offer Distant Learning 
In other countries real progress comes from 16+ youth joining into the 
productive workforce + learning better at work.Here our 16>25(some AASU>45+)all 
lost at UNIV.
GU VC has finally resigned - and his tight-lipped reasons :How to pay(for 
undeserved DA/TA/Pensions---). He had nothing about NanoTechnology -his pet.
Summary: First Things First:

Oxomiya Toka- you make all Ph.D's(and waste their16>30 Years)
AS we Told PM at 1st PCG "Liberate us-and we Liberate You"
> Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 08:01:44 +0530> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> assam@assamnet.org> Subject: Re: [Assam] Assam International University-AT 
> edit> > Good idea!> > On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Rajiv Baruah <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> wrote:> > >> > Can Assam support another University? We need a 
> world class university,> > yes,> > but why build another institution. Why can 
> we not invest in Guwahati> > University itself?> >> > I would propose 
> diverting the Airport Road away from the University> > campus,> > combine the 
> resources and infrastructure of the Engineering and Law> > colleges> > and 
> you have an enormous area to build a world class university.> >> > It needs 
> financial commitments but needs a strong empowered administration> > free 
> from government interference more. Finally, is there will the> > students> > 
> and teachers also share the ambition to build a world class university in> > 
> Guwahati?> >> > Best regards> >> > Rajiv> > ------ Original Message ------> > 
> Received: Sun, 11 May 2008 06:27:08 PM SGT> > From: "Manoj Das" <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]>> > To: "A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around 
> the world"> > <assam@assamnet.org>> > Subject: [Assam] Assam International 
> University-AT edit> >> > > *Assam International University> > > ? Pratap 
> Bora* *T*he recent declaration by the Chief Minister of Assam> > > regarding 
> the Central Minister for Human Resource Development's> > announcement> > > of 
> establishment of one university of international standard in Assam is> > a> > 
> > development pregnant with many implications. Universities, as these are> > 
> > generally known today, were born in medieval Europe and were gradually> > > 
> exported to other parts of the world as a part of the European> > expansion.> 
> > >> > > In India, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras universities were established 
> in> > 1857> > > synchronizing with Sydney and Melbourne Universities in 1850 
> in> > Australia.> > > However, universities with classical and spiritual 
> ideologies had been> > first> > > established in India more than 2000 years 
> ago. Two of them, Nalanda and> > > Taksila were known in countries like 
> Tibet, China, Korea, Japan,> > Thailand,> > > Malayasia, Burma, Ceylon, 
> Cambodia and Indonesia. As these modern> > cradles> > of> > > wisdom started 
> growing the universities of Punjab (1882), Banaras> > (1916),> > > Mysore 
> (1916), Patna (1917) and Osmania (1918) were established in India> > > 
> progressively. Assam joined this quest for "sweetness and light" with> > > 
> Gauhati University in 1947-48. Today our State has five national level> > > 
> universities and one Indian Institute of Technology. Still there is a> > 
> very> > > wide void and enough space for one international university in 
> Assam.> > >> > > Twenty first century has already exhibited many 
> uncertainties. The> > > challenges before mankind today are entirely 
> different from those faced> > by> > > us during the whole period of human 
> existence. Technology has led us to> > a> > > new era which is yet to acquire 
> a proper nomenclature. Information boom,> > > automation, electronic 
> revolution, biotechnology, nano technology, to> > name> > > only the familiar 
> few, have created for us a new world, the ways of> > which> > > are not known 
> to us. The new concept of a modern university is that it> > is> > on> > > the 
> one side a huge warehouse of information and on the other an> > excellent> > 
> > workshop for production of human resource capable of handling this> > > 
> information through knowledge and wisdom for welfare of man and nature.> > >> 
> > > These universities must offer impressive range of academic resources and> 
> > > research facilities. It must have a state of the art library with three> 
> > to> > > five million volumes with on-line catalog system and database 
> search> > > service. It must subscribe to at least 30,000 periodicals. Its 
> extensive> > > research facilities must have wings of, 1) Biotechnology, 2) 
> High Energy> > > Synchrotron Studies, 3) Nano Fabrication Facility, 4) Centre 
> for Theory> > and> > > Simulation in Science and Engineering), 5) Centre for 
> Specific Regional> > > Studies.> > >> > > The major fields should be created 
> after most careful consideration.> > Besides> > > being highly competitive 
> the fields ought to be able to fulfil universal> > as> > > well as regional 
> needs. These must include, Outer-space Engineering,> > > Agro-biological 
> Engineering, Cellular - Biology, City and Regional> > Planning,> > > 
> Environmental Engineering, Communication Technology, Consumer Economics,> > > 
> Development Sociology, Food science, Hotel Administration, Human Service> > > 
> Studies, Immunology, Rural Development, Management Science,> > Neurobiology,> 
> > > Nuclear Science. Atmospheric Science and Performing Art beside basic> > 
> fields> > > of Science and Humanities.> > >> > > The seed money required for 
> building up infrastructure par excellence> > for> > > such an institution is 
> approximately Rs 3000 crore. The figure is> > carefully> > > projected by 
> comparing expenditure on infrastructure of two IITs and two> > > Central 
> Universities of India and that of two leading universities of> > the> > > 
> world. As suggested by the Chief Minister land required will be from six> > 
> to> > > eight hundred hectares. Most important is the careful planning of 
> the> > entire> > > project making through comparative study of the master 
> plans of major> > > European, American, Australian and Asian Universities and 
> keeping in> > mind> > > the history and heritage of Assam.> > >> > > The 
> university has to be raised at a tranquil, unpolluted locality.> > Instead> > 
> > of further eroding either forest area or the available land in tribal> > 
> belt> > > two outstations of Assam Agricultural University may be brought 
> under> > > consideration. These are Citrus Research Station, Tinsukia and 
> Sugarcane> > > Research Station, Shillongoni, Nagaon. Otherwise government 
> may also> > > consider one of the sick tea gardens under ATC. The Negheriting 
> and> > > Sokolating Tea estates at Jorhat and Dergaon are very attractive> > 
> > propositions. It must be noted very seriously that site selection is a> > > 
> serious matter and no whimsical consideration should be allowed to creep> > 
> in.> > >> > > The next important job is the collection faculty from different 
> parts of> > the> > > world. Assarnese scholars and researchers today occupy 
> many chairs in> > > leading universities and research institutions of the 
> world. This pool> > of> > > human resource should be explored thoroughly and 
> as much as possible> > native> > > brains should be lured back. Then taking 
> merit and ability as only> > criteria> > > faculty from all over the world 
> should be commissioned. From the> > beginning> > > reservation of seats and 
> unionism of students should be totally banned.> > A> > > true scholar of 
> modern technology does not have time for politics and he> > or> > > she does 
> not need caste or community label. Their only goal is a> > peaceful> > > and 
> prosperous future for mankind.> > >> > > There are 187 universities in India 
> and the "New policy on education"> > had> > > determined eight priorities for 
> these institutions: (1) Consolidation> > and> > > expansion of institution; 
> (2) development of autonomous colleges and> > > departments; (3) redesigning 
> courses; (4) training of teachers; (5)> > > strengthening research; (6) 
> improvement and efficiency; (7) creation of> > > structure for coordination 
> at the state and the national levels; and (8)> > > mobility. From 1986 till 
> today a good number of Indian universities have> > > undergone a kind of 
> renaissance. In the present world if India is able> > to> > > hold its own in 
> scientific research and technology it is partly because> > of> > > the work 
> done in this sector.> > >> > > Hence, people forming the core group for 
> visualizing the concept of this> > new> > > University shall have a great 
> responsibility. The life histories of all> > five> > > universities of Assam 
> are full of general as well as periodical sick> > > reports. Ambitious 
> planning executed with very poor managerial ability> > has> > > let down the 
> aspirations of the people. Corruption at all levels> > including> > > the 
> arrest of a vice-chancellor had soiled the images of all these five> > > 
> great institutions. The core group must immunize the new university and> > > 
> provide bullet proof armour to this new born child so that its health> > > 
> continues to grow and progress. Every university aim at universal> > 
> standards> > > but fail due to their own weaknesses. As this proposed 
> university is> > going> > > to be located in Assam it must uphold the ethos 
> of Assamese people and> > make> > > them proud of it. Knowledge and learning 
> are rootless and futile if they> > are> > > not cultured and exercised 
> through good will and wisdom.> > > (*The author is the retired Registrar of 
> Assam Agriculture University*)> > > --> > > Manoj Kumar Das> > > C 172 GF, 
> Sarvodaya Enclave> > > New Delhi 17 India> > > 0091 9312650558 (HP) 
> 9910972654> > > _______________________________________________> > > assam 
> mailing list> > > assam@assamnet.org> > > 
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org> >> >> >> >> > 
> _______________________________________________> > assam mailing list> > 
> assam@assamnet.org> > 
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org> >> > > > -- > Manoj 
> Kumar Das> C 172 GF, Sarvodaya Enclave> New Delhi 17 India> 0091 9312650558 
> (HP) 9910972654> _______________________________________________> assam 
> mailing list> assam@assamnet.org> 
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
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