
These days I have an added role. For many high school students studying for 
their AP (college level) World History exams I am explaining but eras which I 
feel I am uniquely suited for. Most US history books do try to present a 
holistic picture of various religions and how they originated and how they 
impacted the society over time. Recently I helped outline 3 major religions 
till 600 AD/CE- Roman civilization and Christianity, Hinduism in India, 
Confucianism in China.

Here my intense efforts to learn more about Middle Eastern faiths in 2005/2006 
paid off - from museum visits, thru TV shows, and reading the Bible. Further, 
following the  course of the California book controversy on teaching of 
Hinduism, Islam, Jewish faith etc in 2006 I got a sense of the problem areas.

Thus, when it came to explaining about Hindu faith - I avoided going into Aryan 
migration controversy (the school books didn't go into it either) but agreed 
that Aryans came from Central Asia and their religious practices mingled with 
those of  the inhabitants of the Indus  Valley  civilization  (of which little 
is known since only in 1930s  excavations found  Indus  valley civilization's  
existence  in current Pakistan).  It  seemed  logical  to show the connection 
between Hindusim, Buddhism , Sikhism  and Jainism  (I  always  highlight  
Jainism's  peace message of  non-violence  which influenced Gandhi's  struggle 
for India's  independence  - which is another topic  I teach). 

Ofcourse, I also teach math/calculus,  AP chemistry,  Physics  etc  etc.  

In Fairfax, one of the richest and the most diverse  communities in the US 
students are quite aware of Sikhs and Buddhists but as the books say Hindus do 
not believe in any one thing - which is certainly true. I try to draw 
connections between ALL Indian faiths - like ALL Indian faiths believe in 
reincarnation, Karma - which that guy was born in a rich family or what might 
happen to Stalin after he massacred millions - as per ALL Indian faiths 
-atleast Hindu, Buddhist, Sikhs -I am not sure about Jains. I also highlight 
that Hindus have separate beliefs just like scientists have separate theories - 
all trying to find more about the truth. And that Buddhists, Sikhs are more 
easily recognizable since they follow one founder of their faiths ---- still 
containing the basic elements of Hindu faith - minus its bad elements esp the 
caste system. Some students are given handouts that Caste is Varna - based on 
color :
White - Brahmin, Brown - Kshatriya, Red - Vaishya, Black - Shudra .

 I keep quiet about the other meaning of Varna which means classification - 
like Varna Maala - Varna = Letters of alphabet, Maala = Garland.

I do highlight how caste still plays a dominant role in rural areas  and is 
reponsible for segregation. Low caste members cannot enter houses of upper 
caste members.. In cities and even in the US Hindus still put out 
advertisements in major newpapers -easily accessed over the internet - seeking 
brides/grooms of the same caste -- (just scroll down to the Classified section 
http://www.expressindia.com/ ). Things are changing - I give example of my 
roommate marrying a girl from another caste from another region - but things 
are tough. I do not mention his collegemate had to elope with his 
Rajput/Kshatriya girlfriend in the US since her orthodox parents did not like 
inter-caste marriage.

I do not talk about caste-based job quotas or reservations for the oppressed 
castes (Delits -as per the teachers) in India since affirmative action is a 
controversial issue in the USA.

I do seem to know a lot more about Israel and the Middle East - surprisingly my 
stay with the Iranian and Amreican couple (the American wife is a Harvard 
classmate of mine) in Canada from Bahai faith helped me a lot there where I met 
Israel born and bred guys (now my Facebook friend).

The Art of War is a favorite book of mine ever since I read about Sun Tzu in a 
Harvard Business Review Artcile in AmericanCenter library in New Delhi. Ying 
and Yang is the logo of  Jaipur School.

Any comments?


Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

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