Here are the artcles ---

However, having stayed in Mumbai, I have seen the
other varities as well.

Near Bandra , there is a place named Sherley Rajan
village. Back in mid 90s , when I moved to Mumbai it
was a real village in concrete jungle   with tree
lined roads and cottages.   Later  I heard from a
co-worker that many of the residents were hounded by
real estate developers.  My co-worker's aunt was one
of them.    Yes,  they were paid good amount of money
but they had to move against their will.

I have seen other vareity too ... where builders
rehabilitate slum dwellers in usually 1 bed apartments
 and in return get permission from Govt to add
additional floors to their buildings (called TDR
whatever that means).


Staying in Delhi area - esp Gurgaon is not much
different from staying in any place which has a very
vibrant civil society. I read such articles in Times
of India etc when I was in Delhi 1990-1996 , but I
recall they were about Delhi farmlands - where some
wise enough farmers did not buy brand new Mercedes
cars (which were as rare in India as are Rolls Royce
cars in the USA now) and invested in something more

Gurgaon is very much part of India's prime land and
the landowners are not meek mice - ignorant and
oppressed - but mostly Jats - the aggressive
warrior/farmer clan who shake Delhi. New Gurgaon has
been in around for over 15 years  now.

you might find it useful though. The ones I read were
before internet websites existed for these newpapers
(TOI etc). TOI website came about I think in 1998.


"Dilip&amp;Dil Deka" <dilipdeka at> wrote:
Do you know first hand that the land owners actually
sold or were compensated for the land  by the real
estate developers? The critics always say that the
land owners get evicted and end up on the street. Is
the truth somewhere in between?

----- Original Message ----
From: umesh sharma 
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from
around the world 
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:08:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Another View of Things/Who Pays
the Price for India's "Corporate Welfare"?

It is similar to the question , "Who pays the price
when all consumer goods in the US are MADE IN CHINA?" 
Or "Who pays the price when all software work is

I have to assume that it is from the same group of
people such a squestion has emerged. Somebody
somewhere has to pay the price.  Since you do not seem
to know much about how the new mini cities have come
about -- let me refresh your memories that the farmers
who sold their lands to these developers overnight
became rich. Many bought new Mercedes cars etc. Many
frittered away their wealth on trinkets .


Chan Mahanta  wrote: This is a story related to the
issues involved in the NY Times 
article about the Good Life in Gurgaon. And it touches
on some of the 
points raised by Uttam, and how it impacts the PUBLIC


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