If you would like to know some of the technical nitty-gritty of Fuel Cells, 
read below. I had been looking for a short comprehensive article on fuel cells 
and this one came along.
It is long but very readable.
As you may know fuel cell using hydrogen may be the energy producer in the 
future. But where do you get hydrogen in abundance? This article talks about 
it. If you want the figures, go to 
Dilip Deka
Fuel Cell of the Future
Keywords: fuel cell, Bela Liptak, process control, nuclear economy, solar 
energy and hydrogen economy
Process Control Will Play a Key Role In the Transition From the Fossil/Nuclear 
Economy to the Solar-Hydrogen Economy of the Future
By Béla Lipták, Columnist
For several months now, I have been writing about process control’s role in 
addressing the global energy crisis. In this article, I will lay out in some 
detail my approach to solving the problem through combining the technologies of 
the electrolyzer and the fuel cell to make solar energy available, both during 
the day and at night. 
During the last century, the world population quadrupled. During the last 50 
years, the global energy consumption has also quadrupled, and on top of that, 
during the last five years, the wholesale price of energy also quadrupled. 
In addition to running out of fossil fuel deposits, the carbon dioxide 
concentration of the atmosphere has also reached the highest level in 650,000 
years and is rising faster than ever. This will cause natural disasters, while 
half a billion people are already starving. 
It is time to realize that the market forces cannot solve the energy crisis, 
because rising prices cannot increase the sum total of the size of the global 
deposits, they can only motivate the exploitation of more and more damaging 
sources. The energy crisis has no military solution either! More nuclear 
missiles will not reduce carbon emissions nor will they increase the remaining 
fossil or nuclear deposits. They will only waste our economic resources and 
consume the funds that are needed to solve the crisis. 
Yet, solar energy is free, clean and plentiful. Therefore, we must accept that 
the solution is new technology. We should also realize that advanced process 
control will play a key role in this transition.
In the May issue (Green Energy Can Stop Recession]  I mentioned that I am 
publishing a book (See Figure Here), describing this solution by providing and 
explaining the detailed design and controls of the world’s first, full size 
(1,000 mW) solar-hydrogen power plant. In the May issue I also referred to my 
invention of the reversible fuel cell (RFC), the “Lipták cell.” The reason why 
the RFC is so important is because it makes solar energy available night and 
da, continuously.
In the May issue I concentrated on the electrolyzer and just briefly mentioned 
that its operation can be reversed to operate as a fuel cell. I also described 
how process control can reduce the size, weight and, therefore, the cost of 
these reversible fuel cells (RFC) from today’s price of about $3,000/kW to 
about $250/kW by the steps I will briefly describe below and in more detail in 
my book. 
Fuel Cells
The traditional fuel cell generates electricity, heat and distilled water by 
reacting hydrogen with air (oxygen). In the space shuttle and in the space 
station, both electricity and water are generated as the stored hydrogen is 
oxidized in it. Fuel cells have been used not only in space exploration, but 
also in submarines (because they generate no noise or vibration). They have 
also been used to recover the energy from methane, which can be generated by 
wastewater and garbage dumps or from natural gas and more recently been also 
used in buses, automobiles and other vehicles as alternatives to the internal 
combustion engine.
The fuel cell consists of an electrolyte, which is sandwiched between two 
electrodes (See Figure). They come in many designs, including alkaline, DMFC 
(direct methanol fuel cell), MCFC (molten carbonate fuel cell), PAFC 
(phosphoric acid fuel cell), PCFC (protonic ceramic fuel cell), PEM (proton 
exchange membrane), RFC (reversible fuel cell), SOFC (solid oxide fuel xell) 
and ZAFC (zinc-air fuel cell), etc. The electrolytes can be acidic or alkaline 
and liquid, solid or solid-liquid composites. 
PAFCs are the first generation of the mature designs. They are often used in 
larger vehicles and buses. These are medium temperature 200 °C (about 400 °F) 
units, generally available in the 60kW to 200 kW size range. They can be up to 
85% efficient when used to generate both electricity and heat, but are only 
about 50% to 60% efficient when generating electricity only. They are large, 
heavy and cost about $4,000/kW.
The first fuel cell design used in the U.S. space program was that of the 
low-temperature alkaline fuel cell (AFC). Its disadvantages include that it is 
subject to carbon monoxide poisoning, is expensive and its operating life is 
short. The AFC electrodes are made of porous carbon plates laced with catalyst. 
The electrolyte is potassium hydroxide. At the cathode, oxygen forms hydroxide 
ions that are recycled back to the anode. At the anode, the hydrogen gas 
combines with hydroxide ions to produce water vapor and electrons that are 
forced out of the anode and produce the electric current. 
Single cells are rarely able to produce enough power as is required by 
commercial applications. Therefore the cells are combined into stacks. 
Commercial stacks frequently have more than a hundred and sometimes as many as 
400 cells. Today’s fuel cells are expensive. In the 2 mW to 4 mW size range 
they cost from $3000/kW to $4,000/kW. According to the U.S. Department of 
Energy, this cost range compares to a diesel generator cost range of $800 to 
$1,500 per kilowatt, and a natural gas turbine, which can be purchase for $400 
per kilowatt or even less. Therefore, reducing the fuel cell cost to $250/kW 
would make it competitive for virtually every type of power application. 
This year, in Folsom, Calif., Altergy Systems started up the world’s first 
automated assembly line for the manufacturing fuel cells. The Department of 
Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimated that if the 
production volume of proton electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells reached 
500,000 units per year, their unit cost could drop by an order of magnitude. 
The efficiency of single-cycle fuel cells range from 47% to 50%; the efficiency 
of combined-cycle fuel cells is about 60%, and if the generated heat is also 
recovered (in the form of hot water or steam), their total efficiency could be 
around 80%. (The efficiency of gasoline engines is around 25%, of nuclear power 
plants about 35% and of sub-critical fossil fuel power around plants 37%.) 
In the PEM design, the membrane electrode assembly consists of the anode and 
the cathode that are provided with very thin layers of catalyst bonded to 
either side of a proton exchange membrane. With the help of this platinum 
catalyst, the hydrogen at the anode splits into a proton and an electron while 
oxygen enters at the cathode. When hydrogen reaches the catalyst layer, it 
separates into protons (hydrogen ions) and electrons. The protons (See Figure) 
pass through the electrolyte while the free electrons are conducted –in the 
form of a usable electric current- through an external circuit. 
At the cathode, the electrons combine with the oxygen in the air and with the 
hydrogen protons that migrate through the proton exchange membrane to produce 
water and heat. Air flows through the channels to the cathode. The electrolyte 
can be a solid polymer, while the electrodes can be made of porous carbon and 
the catalyst of platinum. To obtain the desired amount of electrical power, 
individual fuel cells are combined to form fuel cell stacks. Increasing the 
number of cells in a stack increases the voltage, while increasing the surface 
area of the cells increases the current. It takes only a few seconds for cold 
fuel cells to start producing electricity.
The Reversible Fuel Cell (RFC)
In my solar-hydrogen demonstration power plant design, the functions of the 
electrolyzers and of the fuel cells are combined into single units, which can 
operate in either mode. These reversible fuel cells (RFCs) during the day will 
operate in the electrolyzer mode (See Figure Here), converting solar energy 
into chemical energy (hydrogen), while at night they will switch into their 
fuel cell mode and will convert the chemical energy stored in hydrogen back 
into electricity. 
By keeping the pressures identical on the two sides of the membrane, these 
dual-purpose cells can be made light and thin. They also will  use only half as 
much expensive platinum catalyst, and therefore, be much less expensive. 
It takes the same amount of energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen as 
the energy obtained when hydrogen is oxidized into water. The only difference 
is that electrolysis increases the entropy, and, therefore, not all the energy 
needs to be supplied in the form of solar electricity because the environment 
contributes 48.7 kJ/mole of thermal energy. Inversely, when the RFC is operated 
in fuel-cell mode, part of the energy in the hydrogen fuel is released as heat. 
Therefore, the electrolysis mode of operation (Shown in blue in Figure) 
requires heat, and the fuel cell mode (Shown in red in Figure) releases heat. 
In a solar-hydrogen power plant, when excess solar energy is available, the RFC 
is switched into the electrolyzer mode to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. 
The hydrogen is collected and is either liquefied or compressed to high 
pressure (about 1,000 bars = 15,000 psig) and sent to storage. 
Whenever solar electricity is insufficient, the RFC is switched into the 
fuel-cell mode in which the oxidation of one mole of hydrogen will generate 
237.1 kJ/mole of electrical energy plus 48.7 kJ/mole of thermal energy. This 
waste heat also can be used for heating buildings or for preheating boiler feed 
Controlling the RFC
The role of process control is critical in operating the RFCs. The complexity 
of the control challenge can be appreciated if we view a stack of 400 RFC cells 
as 400 pumps operating in parallel, and we realize that switching the RFC from 
one mode to the other is like switching a chemical reactor from one product to 
another. Fortunately, the switchover doesn’t need to be fast, but once the RFC 
is in operation, its time constant is very short—a matter of seconds.
In addition to the electric controls that connect the RFC to the grid and 
convert the direct current to alternating current, a massive quantity of 
measurements and control algorithms are required. These include the switching 
between the heating and cooling modes as the RFC operation is reversed. These 
loops require high rangeability and fast, accurate temperature controls in both 
modes. The pressures of the oxygen and hydrogen streams entering (in the 
fuel-cell mode) or leaving the RFC (in the electrolyzer mode) also must be 
controlled carefully. The oxygen and hydrogen pressures also require accurate 
controls, because these pressures have to be identical, so that the proton 
exchange membrane (PEM) diaphragms of the fuel cells will not be exposed to 
excessive pressure differences.
In addition, the loads (the rates of hydrogen or electricity generation) need 
to be controlled. These loads are either determined by the availability of 
excess solar electricity (electrolyzer mode: blue, Figure 1) or by the 
electricity demand (Fuel-cell mode: red, see figure). Maintaining the load in 
both modes requires fast and accurate flow controls.
In the fuel-cell mode, the hydrogen fuel flow has to be controlled, while in 
the electrolyzer mode, the flow of the distilled water supply is one of the key 
manipulated variables. Controls are also needed to direct the generated 
distilled water to its destination (FC mode) and to send the generated oxygen 
to its destination (electrolyzer mode). The destination for distilled water can 
be the drinking water system, while the destination for the generated oxygen 
can be the air supply to a fired heater or boiler, if such a unit exists on the 
site (to increase efficiency by increasing the oxygen concentration of the 
The instruments used will have to be mass-produced, miniaturized, accurate and 
inexpensive. The control algorithms have to be state-of-the-art (because my 
system is not yet patented, here I am not describing the algorithms).
In short, process control will play a key role in the transition from the 
present fossil/nuclear economy to the inexhaustible and free solar-hydrogen 
economy of the future. I am sure that our process control profession will meet 
these challenges, and thereby will not only play a key role in this third 
industrial revolution, but also will gain the respect it deserves as the most 
important field of engineering.
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