Sunlight Alpana, sunlight!

Crotons need plenty of sunlight to develop their brilliant colors. If 
you put it out in the yard, in two weeks you will begin to see a 
change. But don't take it into the sun right out from indoors. The 
leaves will get scalded by the UV of sunlight and you will lose them. 
First put them outdoors in the shade ( north side of the house for a 
couple of days. Then give a few hours of morning sunlight for two or 
three days. Then only expose it to full sunlight.

Another problem with Crotons indoors is spider-mite infestation. They 
are tiny, almost microscopic critters that look like spiders ( they 
ARE arachnids and not insects so ordinary plant insecticides won't 
kill them), that cover the underside of leaves and suck all the 
nutrients out of the plant . If left untreated they will ultimately 
kill the plant. Spider-mites love dry , warm environments. How to 
determine if there are spider-mites? Easy! Take a piece of white bond 
paper, shake the leaves. If a few or many tiny specs of dust-like 
things fall off on the paper, begin to move around and if you wipe 
them with your fingertip and the crushed mites leave tiny smudges of 
greenish yellow stain, they are your enemies.

Two ways to control:

        *** Hose the underside of the plants off thoroughly with a 
garden spray nozzle. Once every
         two weeks or so will keep them under control. They don't like water.

        *** Spray with a solution of Kelthane, a strong chemical, 
that is available in nurseries
        or agricultural chemical supply stores. You won't find them 
at Lowe's or Home Depots.

Potho is an easy one. They too like good  amount of indirect light. 
But they should NOT be over-watered. Water the plant only when the 
soil surface is completely dry. Thorough watering once every two 
weeks or so will suffice. Fertilize with weak ( half the recommended 
strength) indoor plant food solution every time you water.

Next thing you know you will be the Croton Queen and Potho Princess 
of Houston :-).


At 3:39 PM -0500 7/20/08, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:
>We have a Croton plant that has only green leaves. How to change the 
>color of the plant to red or reddish yellow? Any help, C'da?
>Also, even the pothos are not doing very well. What kind of plant 
>food do they need?
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