Dear Sir,
Conincidently, I know one Tejimola. One of my friend's wife's name is Tejimola. 
In villages, till these name exists few. But lots of parents, I think, fear to 
have this name for their child. Historic(though by old tales) tragedy.
Dhruba Jyoti Deka

> Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 08:14:33 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Assam] Critical Thinking
> It is encouraging to see that some in Guwahati are realizing the importance 
> of critcal thinking in developing a child's brain. The tradition of rote 
> learning would fade if more of such activities are undertaken.
> When we read the Tejimola story in our young days, we had many questions that 
> we didn't get to ask. The name Tejimola itself intrigued me - why no other 
> girl was ever named Tejimola, where did the name come from.
> Dilip Deka
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