Dear Uttam & Sushanta,

Lets analyze this a bit.

It is a geographical truth that people from less developed areas will
migrate to more developed areas (Refer C.E.M. Joad).

It is also a fact of life that countries will have borders. In today's
world, borders are meant to keep selected people out, and NOT meant to keep
the locals in (like erstwhile East Germany/Soviet bloc).

This idea of no world border is something that has taken some currency in
the last few years. There are two sides to this:

No borders for people/groups wanting to help others (like in a flood or
earthquake) - where doctors without borders, medical/emergency/food aid
should be able to go in without any obstacles.
Foreign aid has been difficult to get into countries like Ethiopia and even
in Pakistan.

The other part is people wanting to immigrate into another country for
bettering their lives. Countries will normally accept people who are needed,
or on political, humanitarian grounds. Countries also assess how both legal
and illegal immigration affects their own economy, resources etc.

Today, a new dimension is added. There are those who will immigrate (legally
and illegally ) to other countries, just to do them harm.

Those who advocate for 'no world border' might want to go a step further.
Why have individual homes or property?
Why not socialize everything and make it all for everyone? How about
languages & culture?
Why do we need to worry about such frivolities?

The thing called 'Me', 'Mine', 'Myself' has a meaning to individualism.
Normally, the world order today dictates that countries have borders, and
countries will often go the extra step to help a fellow country when needed.

Otherwise, countries will wind up like the proverbial Arab, who out of
kindness, let his camel to keep is nose in the tent. Soon, of course, the
camel was inside, and the Arab outside.:-)

The question here is of the limits to immigration (both legal and illegal),
and the tolerance limits of countries.

The US, btw,  is more welcoming, and has more liberal policy than India and
many other countries.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Sushanta Kar <>wrote:

> A good Post Uttamda! Thank You for sharing. Borders are not for poor and
> layman.This report once again proved it Immigrants are chipest labor
> worldwide. World wide capitalist use them and through out. . Here I'm
> forwarding a link which shows that already a movement  is taking shape
> worldwide which want a borderless world. :
> If  all of us is Human being we do we need Borders?
> Sushanta Kar
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 6:53 PM, uttam borthakur <
> > wrote:
> >
> > Dear Ram Da:
> > What I can think of it, apart from the fact that history of homo sapiens
> > from Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus to present day is the history of
> migration.
> > Only difference is that, at that time there was no national barriers.
> > I love poems and the suggestive content thereof. So, I continued the old
> > thread that suggests a problem keeping our mind busy. That's about it.
> >
> >
> > Ram Sarangapani assamrs
> > at
> > Mon Aug 23 17:49:27 IST 2010
> >
> >
> > Previous message: [Assam] Indian Bangladeshi
> > Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject
> > ] [ author ]
> >
> > Thanks Uttam for fwding this?
> >
> > Some quick questions?
> >
> > What do you think of this column?
> > and
> > Why the term 'Indian Bangladeshi' ? Do you mean to say that the term
> > Bangladeshi is synonymous to, say, 'illegal'  :-)
> >
> > Uttam Kumar Borthakur
> >
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> > assam mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Sushanta Kar
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