Assam is going thru a period of deep turmoil once again, this time in 
opposition to the proposed high dam on 
the Subansiri ( LSHEP) and RIGHTLY so. 

Assamnetters are arguably some of Assam's most educated and informed and are a 
significant part its intelligentsia,
be it in Assam or away. But it is quite surprising to see that Assamnetters are 
NOT involved in this time of reckoning 
for the people of Assam.  My guess is that one of the major reasons why they 
remain apathetic is because they are 
ignorant of the issues involved. 

Why is that so? 

Again, one reason is because of the paucity of  believable and trustworthy 
information on the issues involved. Another might be because of the politically 
and emotionally charged rhetoric
that is flying around, waving broad generalities and half-truths and even 
undisguised propaganda. But there is good 
information out there and serious, able people are analyzing, evaluating and 
debating the many underlying issues. 
Unfortunately it is not widely available to the thoughtful and able.  I know 
some people are working on disseminating 
the nuts and bolts of the issues, backed up by sound technical, economic, 
sociological and ecological considerations.
But it can't come out soon enough!

In my recent trip to Assam I was fortunate to have come upon a lot of good 
info. and an old friend who is deeply
involved in it briefed me on some of these to raise my concerns enough to post 
this note to my fellow 
Netters to urge them to get involved and raise their voices.

For starters, allow me to share a very good critique, albeit still general in 
nature, by my brother Mukul Mahant.
It was published in a new magazine called Bazar View. You can see it at    
>   . 

Scroll to pages 31 thru 39.

I hope more such informed and thoughtful analyses will be coming out.  If there 
are others who have good , solid, nuts and bolts 
type of info., please do share. It may be a good time to start a Facebook Blog 
or some such social-media on the issue to share info. 
and build support for those who are mounting the opposition in Assam.


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