High  Dams -  Why Floods -How Floods can be made history;

Jyotirmoy Sarma fondly hoped -APPEAL  might work:
            Sorry - that  will not bother them the least. They won't accept 
even a written appeal  .Not even at DC level. They are panicking: "Voters might 
boot us out  for wasting zillions on   anti-people 
,Pro-Moneybag,inflation-generating,clueless PLANs  " . Gas 
Cracker,Bogibeel,Talks ----all dead ducks   -----". They also do not dare to 
penalize big thiefs of the  useless paper Bundles call INR Crores.  The 
pliablePress/TV eulogize these as  only  doing  KELENGKARI-- a chivalry-sort of.

We thought Digomborom was bad - but look at the  angry Dadababu and the mew mew 
Sard. They are working on hints from YOUTHPower--

Why Floods: That is another Story of Half Knowledge .Jawaharlal Nehru 
personally directed BoulderSpursbuilding at Dibrugarh to SAVE the TOWN in 1952 
-53. I was visiting Dib to get medical helpwith a thorn in my foot .Somebody 
took me to see the  "Bold new Engineering " being experimented by Great Nehru 
himself. My ordinary villager's common sense told me something was wrong 
there.I hesitantly asked       " Won't these sink into the sand?" I was told to 
shut up--I did that.  Year later I went to show   my paining foot to the same 
doctor. I was curious to see  the Bold New Engineering . I went . I saw nothing 
there.What happened?   " SANK ,BUT MORE COMING UP' --I was told.

 (Great) ADB Reports thus:

At that time the Indian
government, led by then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru(who personally ordered
Stone Spurs built at Dibrugarh with rakes of Rock from Jagiroad) provided
riverbank protection and flood protection in two years, which still performs 
today and has kept the town safe. The initiative itself, its implementation,
and the concluding note from Jawaharlal Nehru: “What has already been done at 
Dibrugarh deserves to be made known
throughout India, and indeed the whole world. It is a story of challenge taken
and met with firm determination, hard work, and allround cooperation leading to
success“,        {REALLY??}

  He was sure  it worked.Then there were other Floods. He ordered " National 
Embankments Policy' made into Law.He told all States to establish Emankment and 
Drainage Ministries. 
Lots of Assamese got Rich Soon Zoo road developed as Park Avenue. National 
Embankment Policy still guides the Nation - although in between somebody copied 
a nice American term:Water Resources Dept.
And Kosi was Nationally Embanked  . In 2008  Kosi Floods unhoused 1.5 million. 
But National Embankment Policy Continues. Last week Tarun Dedicated 5Km 
Spanking New Embankmente in Geotubes Imported from Malaysia . India Borrowed 
$20 Million for/To "Protect " Assam

Summary:.Floods are caused BY EMBANKMENTS --  more so by NATIONAL ones!!
And Why does Indian Agro-Output goes down every passing year?   -- Due to 
National Embankments -- as Live Giving Phosphates carried in biomass  by Flood 
Waters from Hills is allowed to flow down only to Bangladesh .

How Floods can be made history?  Firstly Cut off  all the National Embankments 
and Survive

FootNote:   Why Guwahati Floods could not be miotigated in 30+ years -- and 
after spending 1000 Crores?

Himanta Declared   recently before being HighLighted  "Empower me to remove 
encroachers of Hills around Gau._ I shall make Flooding a thing of the past."
Alas  he is only a fake Ph.D.  Did not learn Pascal's law. Guwahati will 
continue to boil in  its own S--- and P---  till the Footings of Brick Bridges 
Below the 2 rail Bridges at Bharalumukh and Bonda -- built by British masons in 
1895  are blown out and cleared off.

Alas such will not nbe possible before liberation.


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