If someone knows the factual aspects of the following, I shall be obliged if 
he/she puts me wise about it:-
Yesterday, Dr. Ramakanta Panda, who had earlier operated upon Mr. Tarun Gogoi, 
the Chief Minister of Assam, was hurt in a road accident. He was accorded STATE 
GUEST status, as evident from the unusual hurry on the part of the Senior 
Police Officials rushing to the accident spot[ where none died], helicopters 
being used for transportation of the injured, pilot cars leading the car in 
which the doctor travelled etc. All these must have involved tax payer's money 
for private use.
The doctor perhaps works in a private medical institute. That he had operated 
upon the CM of the State, does this ipso facto entitle him to be a state guest 
when he's on a private visit or does this entitle him to be invited by the Govt 
of Assam as a state guest? How does it help the state's purpose?
Is there any protocol to be followed in this respect or is it arbitrary 
discretion or indiscretion on the part of the politicians and bureaucracy 
exhibiting another side of the crony-ism?

Uttam Kumar Borthakur

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