The first mail was 'Who is a state guest'?. There I raised the point of use/ 
watstage of tax payer's money on a doctor treating the CM or PM. To that Shri 
M.C. Mahanta had commented that my contention was not really correct, as most 
of the people of Assam do not pay DIRECT TAX. Srijut Mahanta Da had 
unnecessarily presumed based on assumptions that by TAX PAYERS I meant only 
DIRECT TAX PAYERS. All pervading INDIRECT TAX, land revenue, municipal tax or 
whatever tax go to government coffers, and all the payers are TAX PAYERS, as I 
understand the term. However, I agree with Sri Mahanta Da when he says that 
wisdom of each rupee used/ wasted by the Govt. needs public scrutiny and 
fixation of accountability.
Yes, like Dilip Da says, our people are not vigilant enough. In fact, a large 
section of the media have become corrupt and it represents one vested interest 
or the other, than revealing the truth/ fact to the people and therefore, its 
lip service against corruption. 
I agree with the last view that malady of the Indian State is systemic. And the 
actions of its subject are governed mostly by the system. In India, hegemony 
over the system is presently established by crony capitalism. Its rottenness is 
attributable to this. The question is whether crony capitalism can be reformed 
or is to be replaced? I do not know how it can be reformed at all. Sixty years 
could not do it, despite spread of education. In fact, good people had gone 
into the system to become bad. Now, if someone states that it is to be 
replaced, then he should be careful, unless he has attained Amartya Sen's 
stature. Without even uttering such a thing, Vinayak Sen has gone for life 
imprisonment handed out by one of the pillars of democracy. Even Amartya Sen, 
who is not a Maoist, has denounced the judgment. In our tongue, there is a 
saying" Maach Muror Pora Gele". How is the tail responsible for rotting of the 
 Uttam Kumar Borthakur
Amitabh Kakoty amitabhkakoty at 
Wed Dec 29 10:40:23 IST 2010 

Agreeing to the first mail:

1. Cost and hopelessness is more than what is estimated here. Waste of tax
payer's money is clearly evident. More than that, 'money-under-the-desk' has
become a part and parcel of the entire 'circus called Govt./ governance'.
For the time being, let us not count costs related to social degradation,
falling moral base, disturbed structure, environmental cost, etc

2. Without an appropriate and transparent system no development programme
will be successful. Majority of these are 'yes' - 'waste' - or not
contributing anything to rapid development of 'Assam'. Now, is that
a fault of people of Assam??? Who is responsible 'primarily' for leading
ordered economic and social development of in Assam?...who can lead? It is
government and that is why it is government. Why everytime many try blaming
people? It is a systemic fault. Governance system is out dated, formed based
on illogical concepts. And specifically the mainland Indian political
culture (which is the dominant force and majority) has a direct correlation
to the situation.

3. In an anarchic, opportunistic society, if someone becomes aware of what
is wrong, he or she is not going to try for a change; on the contrary he or
she is going to exploit the situation to the fullest. That is what we
see exactly everywhere. Now who is primarily responsible for leading a
societal change? - 'Government should lead from the front'.

4. Now you will point out that only people form Governments. Plz. check the
actual situation - health of democracy and politics, which is at a
structural fault.

So you just can not simply put all the blames to 'Assamese people' and try
saving an out dated anarchic governance system.


On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Dilip Deka <dilipdeka at> wrote:

> --- On Tue, 12/28/10, mc mahant <mikemahant at> wrote:
> Not  really  correct.
> Probably 99% Assamese do not pay direct Taxes at all .
> - You mean income tax.
> Yet they do  pay Tax for everything- beginning from a box of matches- and
> anything they purchase at all.
> - You mean sales tax. So Assam's revenue comes from sales tax mainly.
> Right?
> And all services Tarun uses,his cronies use,the Botaas he pays out,
> the cost of maintaining  the circus called Govt.,
> the farce  of Law -- " Law will take its own course",
> the farce   called Sarva Sixaa ,Sixaa,Uccho Sixaa, Ucchatam Sixaa,
> Maaa-Moni--MaaZoni - Morwoam--   104--108--
> and STATE GUEST  Oxom Bikaash,MukkhyaMantri- " Me the Lachit"
> - All of it is not wasted money. Some are needed for the government to
> function. It is the responsibility of the citizens to keep the government in
> check. Even in a functioning democracy like USA, spending goes haywire at
> times till the citizens in the form of media and election voting correct the
> course.
> -- all these are Peoples' wealth plundered-  for him to get Madam
> HighCommand's nod to become  CM -AGain
> Do PEOPLE know that  and will do something about it?
> - More and more of the average citizens in India are becoming aware of the
> government wastes. But the sad part is - not many citizens get involved in
> correcting it. Most of those who are knowledgable about government join the
> plundering racket, as you put it. The newspapers just report the
> mismanagement in the govt. and go quiet.
> mm
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