In the north east, death is accepted as normal due to various  type of 
killings  for past 30 yrs.In same way death due to medical negligence is minor 
issue. Like he or she was old, prolonged illness, that might be heavy financial 
burden to the families to maintain hi tech gadgets etc.
People do come to Bangalore,Madras(Chennai),Bombay(Mumbay) TATA etc to have 
best treatment by paying more as they lands in another planet. But before ones 
step in to any hi tech Hospitals, think 1000 times.Find out why and how or who 
are the best Doctors available. Because little mistake will make you to give 
final salute to your dear ones for ever.This is one of the hot chase case going 
on at Bangalore.How my senior friend,An Army Major's wife bid adieu  for 
ever.Read the story:-

Same way, my beloved father, late Pani Ram Das admited to GHY INTERNATIONAL 
HOSPITAL on 26 Nov 2010 due to digestion disorder issues.His fault was to the 
hi tech hospital is that he belong to Kalaigaon- a village,Aged 94 yrs, wears 
Dhoti.The hi tech Drs failed to diagnosed him.They have no time.It was only un 
expert nurses to see this native man.Since his Hb% gone down,  he required 
blood transfusion. Indian Army 65 Field Regiment from Mangaldai sent 5 army 
officers to donate blood.But the Hospital  questioned each of them- what 
relation does they have with this primitive man from  village??? (The army men 
was never informed about this inside drama).Shocking! The hospital kept 5 unit 
of most energetic blood for VVIPs to be sold etc and given 2 units of 
expired,infected blood to Pani Ram Das. he died instantly on 30 Nov 2010 at 
1615 hrs.Reason-Septicemia !!! How and why was not the issue...None bothered to 
felt for investigation.GHY Intl hospital
 Licensed to kill. An easy death certificate issues-Death due to septic???????? 
Why septic took place in whole blood is not required for an villager of 94 yrs, 
bcz he has no right to live such long period. Although we aired entire story in 
media, nothing much had happened.Health Minister was like bholanath.
Since then whenever Himanta Bishwa twits,I reply  with same issue.he will stop 
for couple of days twitting....!!!!
Cant we do more something please? Too many hospitals are coming up in Assam.But 
facilities of power back ups, technology,training,experts,well trained and 
skilled staff, medics,paramedics/Dr are missing........ Health minister have no 
answer for that.Only credit like any credit card....Will medical science in 
Assam will find some new light??


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