---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Saloni Puri - Avaaz.org <av...@avaaz.org>
Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:04 AM
Subject: Save the Jan Lokpal!
To: "karsushant...@gmail.com" <karsushant...@gmail.com>

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Dear friends across India,


The *Government is trying to kill the Jan Lokpal* by refusing it any
meaningful powers to investigate and prosecute corruption. Fortunately, a
Government public comment process has just begun -- *let’s flood them with
messages* to show we’re still watching, and urge them to *save the Jan

[image: Send a message!]
*The Government is trying to kill the Jan Lokpal*. Just weeks after
promising the country tough new laws on corruption, they’re attempting to
scuttle this once-in-a-generation opportunity by *removing its most
important parts* -- its authority over the Prime Minister, Judiciary, and
all sitting Members of Parliament. *We need to act urgently to save the Jan

On the same day that it slashed the Lokpal’s most vital protections, *the
government launched a process for public input on the Lokpal*. If we harness
this tool to immediately flood the Ministers with public comment demanding
an effective Lokpal, we can revive this crucial anti-corruption legislation
ahead of the final scheduled drafting committee meetings next week.

Let’s send a strong message to the Lokpal authors: don’t kill the bill. *Click
below to submit a comment directly to the government’s input tool and the
inboxes of the Ministers* drafting the Lokpal, Prime Minister Singh, and key
Lokpal supporter Sonia Gandhi! Then send this action on to every friend or
family member who cares about the future of India!


On Monday, government ministers in the Jan Lokpal Drafting Committee took a
massive step backward in the race to clear corruption from Indian politics.
The anemic Lokpal draft they presented would only govern a few senior
bureaucrats -- *leaving all top elected officials, like the MPs involved in
cash for votes scandals, to “self regulate”*. Instead of a powerful body up
to the task of tackling a massive problem, it would be a small bandage on a
massive wound.

The government’s back-peddling threatens the whole Lokpal. Ministers pledged
to finalize a draft bill by 30 June, in time to be considered in the monsoon
session of parliament. But these changes open the very real *possibility
that 2011 will join the list of years in which the Lokpal tried -- and
failed -- to become law*.

Now that the intense pressure brought by Anna Hazare’s hunger strike has
subsided, the *government is trying to starve the Lokpal*, so that it either
passes without any teeth or never passes at all. Let’s join our voices once
more and together stop them from killing the Jan Lokpal. Click here to send
your message:


People power brought the Lokpal within reach. Our pressure brought Sonia
Gandhi to give the bill her blessing and catapult it from the annals of
history to a fast-tracked drafting committee. But change is hard, and *we
must remain vigilant* to see the Lokpal through to a new era of a
corruption-free India. Let’s stay strong now, while our pressure is urgently

With hope,

Saloni, David, Ricken, Ben, Shibayan, and the rest of the Avaaz team


Government going back on its word: Kejriwal

Government invites feedback on Lokpal Bill

Center ropes in states, parties on PM question

Baba black sheep have you lost your mind?

Is it the end of the road for the Lokpal panel?

Government opposes inclusion of PM, judiciary in Lokpal ambit

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Sushanta Kar
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