Dear BK:

It is a good and thoughtful analysis. Makes a lot of sense.

Immigration, WITH controls, is a good thing. B'deshis in Assam too would be a 
good thing, as long as it is CONTROLLED, unlike  it has been.


On Jul 1, 2011, at 4:51 AM, wrote:

> Dear netters, 
> Immigration, legal or illegal is a formidable issue in the North-East. In 
> today’s Independent (1 July 2011), its Economic Editor reasons that legal or 
> illegal, immigration is a great economic good. Assam or the North East of 
> India do not enjoy the same economic or social conditions as Great Britain, 
> nevertheless  certain basic problems are universal. Hope this article will 
> generate some wholesome ideas.  
> With best wishes
> Bhuban  
>   The more people come to the U K, the better it is for us all 
> Analysis By Sean O’Grady, Economics Editor
> You may wonder what  the latest population data might have to do with the 
> wave of public strikes over pensions yesterday. The answer is:demographics.
> Not the least economic benefit of immigration is the way it rejuvenates a 
> nation’s population, as the young are usually the most mobile, enterprising, 
> flexible, able to work and determined to make a new life in another country. 
> They are also, by dint of their age, likely to have children, and may tend to 
> have larger families than the established population
> While it is true that these children can put some strain on local schools and 
> add to the benefits bill, in the long run, like all children, the 
> overwhelming likelihood is that they will in due course go to work, pay taxes 
> and –crucially-help pay for the pensions for the rest of us. It is from their 
> taxes and NI contributions that the state pension, care and NHS bills and 
> public sector pensions will be funded. Demographics are fundamental to public 
> finances and economic growth. It is no accident that Greece and other 
> southern European nations struggling with selerotic economies and  
> unsupportable debt burdens have lousy demographies.
> In improving the “dependency ratio”, then, immigrants automatically provide 
> an  enormous economic boom. This is not limited to the rich and highly 
> skilled who the coalition favour; there are many arguments in favour of  
> allowing many more casual labourers, mini-cab drivers and plumbers, say, into 
> the country, as it reduces the cost of these services. It is too easily 
> forgotten that London’s thriving tourist trade would collapse if all the 
> illegal cleaners, hotel staff and taxi drivers were sent home.
> There are economic downsides to immigration, and it is as well to face up to 
> them. They tend to reduce wages among those who are already poorly paid and 
> the cultural, political and racial tensions sometimes provoked need little 
> elaboration. On balance, though, immigration is a great economic good. And if 
> we are loading future generations with debts, then the bigger that generation 
> is, the easier it will be for them to deal with the burden
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