Dear Netters
Today’s Financial Times (News digest 25 07 2011)  reports :
Osborne greets BP’s India deal
George Osborne will today hail an alliance between BP and India’s Reliance 
Industries as evidence that British Companies are competing with the best in 
the world,” as he looks for bright spots in a generally gloomy economic 
“Britain is now making the largest foreign investment in India, “ Mr Osborne 
will say at a meeting with Pranab Mukherjee, his Indian counterpart. Talks in 
London are aimed at bolstering trade between the two countries.
Ahead of the meeting, the Indian government approved an alliance between BP and 
Reliance industries to increase oil and gas production, said to be the largest 
single foreign investment in India. The BP investment in Indian gas and oil 
could eventually be worth up to $200bn.
Bob Dudley, BP chief executive, said:”this transaction is part of BP’s strategy 
of creating long-term value through alliances with strong partners, taking 
material positions in significant hydrocarbon basins and increasing our 
exposure to growing energy markets.”
George Parker

I take interest in BP’s operations since I am a minor shareholder. Last year BP 
made significant loss (possibly £15bn) in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 
Recently, that is after about 7 months’ negotiations, BP failed to strike a 
deal with Russia’s Rosneft.  Our shares continue to tread water, as another 
news bit euphemistically describes.

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