Dear Netters:
Daily Telegraph reporter Dean Nelson reports Arup Kalita's body was found  this 
week, his skeletal remains finally recovered from the shallow  depths of a pond 
in the small village of Kukurmora in India's north-eastern region. Read on:

His mobile phone, motor bike keys, driving licence and trousers were all 
discovered along with his bones. 

How he got there was no surprise to his grieving family. They knew the 
29-year-old anti-corruption campaigner was dead when he when he disappeared in 
August last year. They had heard he had been beaten, tortured and then his 
corpse dumped into the pond where it was apparently trampled deep into the mud 
below by an elephant. 

But what may be surprising to some is the location of his resting place – in 
the official grounds of Assam's forestry department. 

His family and supporters say that location is the key. All believe he has paid 
the price for India's failure to tackle corruption at all levels. 

Mr Kalita's apparent murder makes him the 18th anti-corruption crusader to be 
killed in India since 2008. Others include several campaigners who used Right 
to Information legislation to uncover corruption in government aid schemes for 
India's poorest, one of the country's leading crime reporters who exposed 
Mumbai's 'diesel mafia,' and a civil servant who was burned alive by oil 

India corruption threatens foreign investment 
17 Mar 2011 India anti-corruption hunger strike draws thousands in rally 
08 Apr 2011 

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[what's this]

Campaigners say the killing in Kukurmara, and the difficulty in getting it 
investigated, highlights the need now to create a powerful new watchdog to hold 
India's rich and powerful to account, from village officials to government 
ministers, on local and national levels. 
Indeed even as Mr Kalita's body was being uncovered the Indian government was 
facing serious allegations of corruption in the award of mobile phone operator 
licences and contracts for last year's Delhi Commonwealth Games. One former 
minister is currently in jail, along with the head of the Commonwealth Games 
Organising committee and the daughter of the ruling Congress Party's main 
coalition partner. 
The corruption Mr Kalita believed he had uncovered though, and which his family 
believe led to his death, was on an altogether smaller scale. But it did, in 
his view, threaten the forest environment in Assam's Kamrup West, where illegal 
logging is devastating the state's protected jungle. 
Mr Kalita was a leader of the local All-Assam Non-Tribal Students Union which 
had been campaigning against local sand smugglers. The smugglers, who transport 
sand dug from a local river bed without paying taxes, were damaging local 
farmers' fields by spilling sand on crops and driving over planted plots. 
His sister Manju Kalita Das told The Daily Telegraph he had visited the local 
Forest Department in August last year to complain about the sand-mining but was 
criticised by officials and local sand-diggers who were in the office. 
"They said 'we also have stomachs and families to feed. We want this business 
to run, why are you making these complaints?' They feared they would lose their 
His fellow student union leader Dhiren Mali, who was with him said he had been 
warned by a senior official of "grave consequences" if he did not abandon his 
complaints. "The official said 'I will teach you a lesson,'" he added. 
Mr Mali said the union resolved to step up its campaign and a few days later 
received a tip that trucks of illegal timber were being covered with sand to 
smuggle them out of the district. They tracked the trucks as they headed 
towards the Kukurmara Forest Department office and raced ahead to urge 
officials to intercept them and arrest the drivers. 
"The Forest officials said 'why have you come here?' Then they started hitting 
us, punching us in the head. I couldn't see Arup and when I was finally rescued 
by police they said Arup was OK," he said. He never saw his friend again. 
Mr Kalita's cousin Pradip Kalita said he had been told by a police officer that 
they been unable to force their way in when they arrived on the scene but had 
heard Arup screaming and believed he had been tortured. 
He said neighbours and forest dwellers nearby told him they had seen the 
department's elephant wading through the tiny pond stamping its feet shortly 
after the commotion and suspect it had been used to crush his body into the 
A spokesman for the Forest Department department declined to comment, but 
Police Superintendent A.J Buruah said an investigation is continuing and 
results of a post-mortem are pending. One forestry official has been arrested 
and four have absconded since the body was found. 
He said some officials had claimed there had been a "scuffle" and Mr Kalita had 
slipped into the pond and drowned as he fled his assailants. "We'll find the 
cause of death, I want to give them [Mr Kalita's family] justice," he said. 
The family has no doubt what and who caused their brother's death. "He has made 
so many accusations, so obviously they regarded him as an enemy," said his 
sister Manju. The family point out that it took a High Court order to force an 
investigation into the death and this was only carried out after a further 
Both family and supporters feel Mr Kalita's death is indicative of a failure to 
tackle corruption in India more widely. 
Prashant Bhushan, one of India's top lawyers and anti-corruption campaigners, 
agreed. "It is a blue collar mafia and it is increasingly resorting to 
violence. It is bound to happen if you allow corruption to go unchecked, then 
the mafia resorts to violence against anti-corruption activists." 
Her mother, who was too distraught to comment, wailed her son’s name from her 
bed as her daughter listed their demands. They want £14,000 and a government 
job for one of their relatives as compensation. “And we want the culprits to be 
caught and given exemplary punishment,” she added. 
Former Chief Conservator of Forests M.C Malakar said Mr Kalita’s complaints on 
corruption and official collusion in timber smuggling had some basis in fact. 
Illegal logging is destroying the state’s forests, he said, and some officials 
had “joined the criminals.” 
“The situation here is volatile. There is an insurgency and criminals have 
taken advantage. It’s difficult for our officials to go into the forest. There 
have been assault cases, and some officials might have joined the criminals. 
Timber has been stolen…officers have been suspended and action taken against 
them,” he said. (Telegraph dated 6 8 2011)

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