Dear Netters
The emails from Mr?Hazarika,?opening the discussion?and the passionate 
observations made by the rest are all relevant.
To raise a war against one's own country is sedition, the highest crime in any 
land. In Great Britain,?homicide is not punishable by a sentence of death; but 
it applies in case of sedition.
Government of India wants peace at any cost. I believe it is all whitewash. I 
presume?Government of India think that the worst is over as most of the leaders 
are in custody and Paresh Barua does not matter. Long ago,?after Phizo sought 
asylum in the United Kingdom, Government viewed that there was no need to take 
notice of the great revolutionary any more; nevertheless I think intelligence 
kept an eye on him.
Just a?month ago, a?wellknown journalist visited Assam and I asked him whether 
Ulfa still extorts money?from the tea estates of?upper?Assam. 
It seemed to me that he was a Government spokesman in disguise. He 
categorically replied that there was no longer any extortion by Ulfa. It
was a spent force. I then referred to a very recent article to contradict his 
statement. I believe the particular journalist's view reflected?the official 
view.When the Chief Minister of Assam visited London a fortnight ago, he told 
me that Ulfa still extorted money but the police is not informed. Unless police 
is informed, Government cannot take action.??
Long ago, I was present (unauthorised) in a meeting addressed by late Bimala 
Prasad Chaliha, the then Chief Minister of Assam to a group of?foreign 
dignitaries. The group leader asked him why Government of India was not strict 
with the rebel Nagas. Chaliha replied that the Nagas are Indian citizens. 
They have been misled. It is his duty to lead them the right way. In any case 
as a Member of the Peace Committee, it was not?within his remit to 
recommend punitive?measures.?They were asked to bring up the rebels?for 
discussion and?that was achieved.

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