Hehehe, Utpal... took the words outtamymouth :-)

While Desi born CEOs and Presidents don't have to be Republicans or Dems,
they are susceptible to the same errors (?), and often laced with bottom
line numbers :-)

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 11:40 PM, Utpal Brahma <utpal_bra...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Isn't it the same S & P who had ranked the mortgage backed securities with
> AAA status that brought about the economic debacle?  Isn't it the same S & P
> that awarded Lehman Brothers with AAA till the last moment.
> Sure they do have credibility !!!!
> But that does not dispute the fact that the US needs to clean up mess.  And
> surely a lot of mess !!
> ________________________________
> From: Dilip Deka <dilipd...@yahoo.com>
> To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world <
> assam@assamnet.org>
> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2011 10:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [Assam] S&P President Deven Sharma's comments after downgrade
> of the U.S. triple-A credit rating
> Do you think Deven Sharma is a republican in disguise trying to throw Obama
> out?
> Or is he in league with Obama to put the blame on the republicans in the
> house?
> Or is he a realist calling things as they really are?
> We have enough economists in the net who can comment on it if they want to
> educate us.
> Thanks,
> Dilip Deka
> =======================================================================
> S&P President: We Have No Political Agenda
> Published: Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | 5:14 PM ET
> Text Size
> By: Margo D. Beller
> Special to CNBC.com
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> Standard & Poor's CEO defended his company's downgrade of the U.S. triple-A
> credit rating, saying S&P had no political agenda and was not
> overcompensating for missing the subprime mortgage mess that precipitated
> the current economic situation.
> "Our role is to call the risks objectively, with transparency, and that’s
> what we try to do to fulfill our role and that’s what our job is for the
> benefit of investors," Deven Sharma told CNBC Monday.
> He pointed out that going from a triple-A to double-A-plus rating "doesn’t
> mean [the U.S. is] going to default, it just means its more risky today than
> a year ago."
> S&P factored in the political process because it "speaks to how the fiscal,
> economic and monetary choices are being made," Sharma said, adding he was
> pleased by President Obama's speech today addressing the need for U.S.
> lawmakers to have a new sense of urgency to tackle long-term deficit
> spending.
> S&P's view was based on a number of factors including projections of rising
> debt levels. Sharma said despite cuts mandated by last week's debt-ceiling
> legislation, the U.S. 2015 debt level will be $14 trillion, or 25 percent
> higher than today. "The fact is, the debt levels are still doubling from
> where we are today and that is an issue to address," he said.
> He said S&P regretted its part in the subprime mortgage mess. "Clearly the
> housing declines were much more severe than we forecasted or anticipated,"
> he said, and the rating agency has "made many changes in putting new checks
> and balances in our organization. We are committed to the reform process."
> Sharma said the drop in markets Monday was not necessarily a reflection of
> the S&P downgrade.
> "The market reacts in many ways, sometimes unexplainable, but our ratings
> really address the fundamentals of the creditworthiness," he said. "The
> market could be reacting to the fact there is a slowdown in economic growth.
> It could be reacting to what’s happening in Europe. It could be what’s
> happening in the U.S. There are multiple factors that...contribute to how
> the market reacts."
> ________________________________
> From: Ram Dhar <ramd...@hotmail.com>
> To: assam@assamnet.org
> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2011 8:08 PM
> Subject: [Assam] S&P President Deven Sharma's comments after downgrade of
> the U.S. triple-A credit rating
> Read and watch  Deven Sharma's comment on the downgrade  which has sent
> shock waves  across  global  financial market.
> http://www.cnbc.com/id/44062256
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