Dear Netters:

As far as I know activism ‘occupy’ is a new phenomenon. The recent protest against capitalism manifested worldwide. It happened in Wall Street, at St Paul’s, London, Manchester, etc.

When I first came across this word, I thought it was a sort of proper noun with which I was not expected to be familiar. I skipped the news altogether.When I found the word again in the context of Anna Hazare’s demonstrations in New Delhi, I realised it was a new form of protest. Occupy the premises with as many tents as you need for the protesters to eat, drink, talk, rest and with banners and placards displayed all around you go on denouncing capitalism. I say capitalism because it has not been used, as far as I know, for any other objective.

How far has activism Occupy so far succeeded? Anna Hazare does not appear to have any quarrel with capitalism. He wants to eradicate corruption from India and for that he wants a high-powered Ombudsman.

Obviously Anna is not happy with the assurances he has got till now. Otherwise he would not have threatened with a second hunger-strike, I imean ‘fasting’.

The ‘occupy’ in front of the St Paul’s cathedral has brought about the resignation of the Dean of the Cathedral. The Dean is a man of peace; of faith; he does not symbolise capitalism. Jonathan Freedland writing under the Comment & Debate page in today’s The Guardian holds that “A middle England, Tory anti-capitalism has deep roots. Here is the chance to build a movement beyond St Pauls.

By the way how do you pronounce Occupy? The word has acquired a new meaning


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