Hello everyone,


We would like to publish a special issue of Posoowa on personal recollections 
of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, by individuals around the world. Please keep the 
writing short, a paragraph or two, at most a page. Please include any personal 
photographs you may have Dr. Bhupen Hazarika with you/your family/your 
organization. Please include a caption for each photograph. 
Please submit your remembrance of him to me by November 30, 2011. Please use 
"Contribution to Bhupen Hazarika special issue" as the subject line. 
We especially seek contributions from individuals of Assamese origin who are 
part of the Assamese diaspora, living outside Assam. This includes individuals 
living in other countries, but also cities such as New Delhi, Hyderabad, 
Bombay, Pune, Bangalore and Madras.
Thank you!
PS: We would like the articles in the issue to be searchable. Please use a 
Unicode Assamese font if you are writing in Assamese. Handwritten contributions 
will not be accepted. Contributions written in Assamese, but not using a 
Unicode font, will not be accepted. 
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