[In 1944 the great Hun­gar­ian po­lit­i­cal econ­o­mist Karl Polanyi penned
The Great Trans­for­ma­tion in which he vi­tu­per­ated con­ser­v­a­tives for
pri­va­tiz­ing com­mon prop­erty re­sources. He writes, for ex­am­ple, that
“allow[ing] the mar­ket mech­a­nism to be the sole di­rec­tor of the fate of
human be­ings” will “re­sult in the de­mo­li­tion of so­ci­ety.”

I was born in 1984 and since the year of my birth the num­ber of human bod­ies
in the United States lan­guish­ing under some form of state sur­veil­lance has
bal­looned by nearly 400% de­spite a U.S. pop­u­la­tion ris­ing ten times as

I was born in 1984 and since the year of my birth the num­ber of pri­vate
cor­rec­tions fa­cil­i­ties has bur­geoned by 4000%. I was born in 1984 and
since the year of my birth the num­ber of black men in prison has grown by
800%; 73% of peo­ple of color in­car­cer­ated since 1984 are non-vi­o­lent,
drug-re­lated of­fend­ers.

I was born in 1984 and since the year of my birth the num­ber of black men
in col­lege has with­ered by al­most 50%. Today, there are some 820,000 black
men in cells, but only 270,000 in dorms.-]

 Above by OP-Ed in Nation of Change 

Yesterday at News Time OxomTV Channel
  they were discussing on Custodial
deaths in India  and Assam .Also was
shown how two were tied to rail track and blasted alive  as Ulfa claims .”They 
were going to plant
bombs at rail lines –and got blasted“–Indian Army claims 


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