Dear Mike

These aids are misnomers. Some are actually in the form of investments in which 
Indian businesses are joined. Some of the Conservative MPs. opposed these 
fundings but the Prime Minister ignored their advice.I emailed some of these 
information in two instalments but the moderator said it was not possible to 
accommodate them.Regarding technical education, I think whatever has
been continued will be fulfilled.In any case,Indian students nowadays prefer to 
go the States for higher studies. 

Politicians should keep their mouths shut when unpleasant situation arises. . 
Often they do not mean what they say. It looks as if Pranab Mookerji .the 
Indian Finance Minister would have .

 welcomed a bigger sum. 

As regards the jets, India Government says that India's old stock has to be 


-----Original Message-----
From: assam-request <>
To: assam <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 6, 2012 6:30 am
Subject: assam Digest, Vol 79, Issue 5

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han "Re: Contents of assam digest..."

Today's Topics:
   1. Re: [assam] New York Times on News of India & on Education in
     USA on Sunday (05 02 2012) (Bhuban Baruah)
  2. Re: assam Digest, Vol 79, Issue 4 (mc mahant)
  3. Building Social Business, (Nava Thakuria)
  4. The official website of Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha .
     (Buljit Buragohain)
  5. Pragyan: PRAGYAN December, 11 issue (Pragyan Tinsukia College)
  6. LC Jain, Assam and Mega Dams (Sanjib Baruah)
  7. Re: [assam] Human Rights Watch Notes Abuses By Security
     Forces (Bhuban Baruah)

Attached Message

Bhuban Baruah <>



Re: [Assam] [assam] New York Times on News of India & on Educationin USA on 
Sunday (05 02 2012)

Sun, 5 Feb 2012 01:45:19 -0500 (EST)

ear Friends:
India Ink, New York Times, has this Sunday (05 02 2012).come up with three 
ditions of the Newswallah: Long Read, Bharat and Bollywood. I always try to 
top my urge to 
omment but one I failed to is that Guwahati's moral police will ensure  there 
s no showing of love between a young man and young woman in public 
laces.Valentine Day is no longer confined to the cities of the West; Would 
here be extra police in the metropolis of Guwahati on 14 February next?
The home page of the New York Times has the following articles on Education:
Foreign Students Pay Top Dollar at U.S. Colleges.
Editorial: Reining In College Tuition.

Attached Message

mc mahant <>

assam assamnet <>

Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 79, Issue 4

Sun, 5 Feb 2012 13:32:44 +0530

essage: 3
ate: Sun, 5 Feb 2012 00:30:37 -0500 (EST)
rom: Bhuban Baruah <>
ubject: Re: [Assam] [assam] India tells Britain: We do not want your
essage-ID: <>
ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

ear Friends:

n today's Telegraph (U K) there are two very important articles bearing on 
ndo-British economic ties.I regret I am not able to give the web links, I tried 
hough. It is the 
unday Telegraph today (05 02 2012). The following two headlines given on the 
ery opening page of today's issue will  lead you nicely to the articles.

ndia tells Britain: We don't want your aid.

urbulence ahead with India's Jet deal 
 I  have 2 Q's:
  What will happen now of India   wanting to introduce Br4itish system of 
igher Technical Education-- spending300Bn Pounds-- much ballyhooed   some 
onths back.
B. Turbulence ahead India'sJetDeal:  Why   was Dassault selected? What will 
appen to Obama's offer   of F17-F18's .And where is the enemy? Can the enemy be 
ouched? This years Republic Day Showoff commentaries   highlighted " This can 
arry our Nuclear Warheads and deliver to Beijing" . So why Jets?

Attached Message

Nava Thakuria <>



[Assam] Building Social Business,

Sun, 5 Feb 2012 03:32:28 -0800 (PST)

uilding Social Business, the concept developed by the Bangladeshi Nobel 
aureate Muhammad Yunus is discussed here in an article published by The Assam 
ribune today,6,417,915,666,930

Attached Message

Buljit Buragohain <>

To: <>; 

[Assam] The official website of Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha .

Sun, 5 Feb 2012 18:52:20 +0530 (IST)

The official website of Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha :

Attached Message

Pragyan Tinsukia College <>

A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 
<>; XOBDO groups <>

[Assam] Pragyan: PRAGYAN December, 11 issue

Mon, 6 Feb 2012 00:26:30 +0530

Dear Friends,
e regret for our late appearance with PRAGYAN December, 11 issue (Volume
x; Issue ii). Due to some technical reason we couldn’t make it on
ime.  Still,
e are happy to inform you that in this issue we’ve tried to present a good
umber of writings on Science and as we always do, try to focus on some
ocially relevant issues, in this issue we’ve focused on International Year
f Chemistry and Forest.  That made the issue one of the biggest in size.
r Arindam Adhikari tried to explain what the Lotus Effect is, while Pinky
urakayastha expressed her concern on Indian Forest. Baikuntha Das and
anandra Khaund tried to explore relation between Forest and people
epended on it.
lease, find the issue here in any link:

Sushanta Kar
xecutive Editor , Pragyan
***    ****    ******
Read and Write in  PRAGYAN

A Quarterly Journal of Academic, Intellectual and Career Pursuit from
insukia College.
e believe not on the Bondage of knowledge, But in Its Freedom.

Attached Message

Sanjib Baruah <>

assam <>

[Assam] LC Jain, Assam and Mega Dams

Sun, 5 Feb 2012 17:33:16 -0500 (EST)

Assam Tribune, February 5th 2012.


.C Jain, Assam and mega dams
Dr. Sanjib Baruah
There are often references to the World Commission on Dams [WCD] and its 2001 
eport Dams and Development in the discussions on Lower Subansiri and the other 
ydropower dams in Arunachal Pradesh.   But one rarely hears of one of the 
eport’s key authors -- the Commission’s Vice Chair, Gandhian activist and 
conomist the late L. C Jain.  
ain who passed away in November 2010 was once India’s High Commissioner to 
outh Africa and a former member of the Planning Commission. 
hat makes the absence of any significant reference to Jain surprising in this 
ontext is that Jain was a well-known friend and well-wisher of Assam and 
ortheast India.  Prior to joining the WCD he chaired the Indian Planning 
ommission’s committee on development options for Assam for putting into effect 
lause 7 of the Assam Accord.  Indeed in his remembrance essay on Jain published 
n this newspaper, a retired senior civil servant from the region and former 
ourism Secretary M. P. Bezbaruah calls Jain  a “true friend and crusader for 
he Northeast” known for “his personal advocacy of  NE development as one arm to 
ight the divisive violence.” 
he WCD was established jointly by the World Bank and the World Conservation 
nion (IUCN) in 1997 in response to the controversies over large dams that were 
aging in many parts of the world.  As a major funder of dam building projects, 
he World Bank was at that time embroiled in a number of those controversies.  
he WCD’s mandate was to “review the development effectiveness of large dams and 
ssess alternatives for water resources and energy development” and  to “develop 
nternationally acceptable criteria, guidelines and standards for the planning, 
esign, appraisal, construction, operation, monitoring and decommissioning of 
It is a matter of remarkable good fortune that a person who had Northeast 
ndia’s best interest in mind and a person who was intimately familiar with the 
evelopmental challenges of Northeast India’s was a key figure in the WCD.  One 
an venture to guess that Jain’s knowledge of Northeast India had indirectly 
ound a place in its deliberations. As a result Dams and Development has perhaps 
ore relevance to our region than any such global document.
The 12-member WCD with South Africa´s Water Resources Minister Kader Asmal as 
hair and L.C. Jain as Vice-Chair was designed as what is sometimes called a 
multi-stakeholder process,” that is it tried to include individuals who are 
representative of the diversity of perspectives" on the question – that is 
ndustry representatives and large dam advocates, as well as their opponents.  
he Commission had the support of a full-time professional Secretariat, a 
8-member advisory Forum, and numerous experts from a variety of academic 
isciplines. It built a comprehensive knowledge base of large dams and it 
losely examined many dam projects in different parts of the world and consulted 
xtensively with people involved in those projects and those affected by them. 
The WCD’s report Dams and Development launched in 2000 by Nelson Mandela 
ecognizes that “dams have made an important and significant contribution to 
uman development, and the benefits derived from them have been considerable.” 
owever, it concludes that  “in too many cases an unacceptable and often 
nnecessary price has been paid to secure those benefits.”  In its view, 
otwithstanding significant gains from such projects--for instance in terms of 
he production of hydropower--a very high social cost have been extracted 
ecause many dam building projects had failed to recognize the complex nature of 
ivers and river ecosystems.  For instance, the dramatic changes to “rivers, 
atersheds and aquatic ecosystems” and their adverse impact on “downstream 
ivelihoods” have been inadequately understood and as a result, thousands who 
epend on river ecosystems have been impoverished because of losing their 
raditions sources of livelihood. 
To ensure that future dam building projects do not extract such a heavy social 
ost, the WCD’s report proposes a policy framework that decisively breaks away 
rom the idea that decisions on dams are primarily the domain of technical and 
conomic experts.   Consistent with Jain’s bottom-up and participatory view of 
evelopment, the WCD’s report emphasizes the need to ensure that the affected 
eople have a chance to make “informed choices” and that they should be active 
arties in negotiations and not just passive victims or beneficiaries.  Dams and 
evelopment even recommends that dam building decisions should be made only with 
he “free, prior and informed consent” of the people affected by dams and that 
heir acceptance of such projects be “demonstrable.”
It will not be hard for anyone familiar with Jain’s work to see the impact of 
is thinking  in Dams and Development. As a Gandhian,  Jain did not like 
entralisation of power. Despite being a member of the Planning Commission 
imself,  Jain has gone on record to say that in “more than 60 years after 
ndependence, centralised planning had not made a dent on poverty.” He 
omplained about power in India being “concentrated in the Bhawans of New Delhi: 
ojana Bhawan, Rail Bhawan, Udyog Bhawan, Krishi Bhawan,” adding that “we have 
orgotten to build the Janata Bhawan.”  Jain even advocated the dissolution of 
ndia's Water Resources Ministry and the empowerment of local bodies “to embark 
n a massive rainwater harvesting program” instead.   Jain received the 
agsaysay Award for “his informed and selfless commitment to attack India’s 
overty at the grassroots level.” 
We in Assam got a sense of Jain’s faith in participatory development in the 
eport on Clause Seven of the Assam Accord. "Our entire thinking,” said the 
eport’s introduction, “has been influenced by one major factor: a fairly well 
nformed and fervent demand for development for the people at large – students, 
olitical parties, women’s groups, voluntary organisations, economists, 
inisters, administrators, entrepreneurs – with whom we had the privilege of 
nteracting. This magnitude of popular awareness and interest in development is 
 rare social force. Constructively used, it can be the most precious capital 
or the development of Assam." 
That officials in NHPC or the Power or the Water Resources Ministry would find 
CD’s proposals on how to go about making decisions on building dams 
nacceptable is not surprising.  Dams and Development has been criticized by 
any traditional dam-building experts and enthusiasts of mega hydropower 
rojects.  Both India and China, the two countries that have emerged as the 
orld’s most prolific dam builders in the 21st century, have rejected the 
eport’s recommendations.   
India’s official critique of the report charges that the WCD’s report had made 
a dam decision subject to veto power of the local people settled on the river 
anks.”  Rather than privileging the preferences of people living in the river 
alleys or those directly impacted by dams, it suggests that “people who are to 
enefit from a project are also to be considered as stakeholder." 
The writer is Professor of Political Studies at Bard College, New York.

Attached Message

Bhuban Baruah <>



Re: [Assam] [assam] Human Rights Watch Notes Abuses By SecurityForces

Mon, 6 Feb 2012 01:11:41 -0500 (EST)

ear Friends:
Today's India Ink, New Work Times (06 02 2012) has only one new entry: Human 
ights Watch Notes Abuses By Security Forces.
he rest are repeats.(My view: Kashmir is a cancer in Indian politics and 
overnment. I have no answer to the wider issue of Kashmir's separation from 
ndia. But there is no lack of 
ble politicians and administrators in a vast country like India. And there is 
he Parliament.).

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