Dear Friends:

The following article is from the daily Telegraph UK (24 02 2012)


Indian medical chiefs call for crackdown on 'quack gurus' 
Indian medical chiefs have called for the arrest of some of the country's top 
spiritual leaders, including the television yoga guru Baba Ramdev, for peddling 
"quack cures" for cancer and other diseases. 

Indian yoga guru Baba Ramdev Photo: EPA

By Dean Nelson, New Delhi

Baba Ramdev, who is feted by politicians and revered by millions for his Hindu 
nationalism and anti-corruption campaigns, has courted controversy in the past 
with claims that yoga can cure homosexuality and Aids.

He believes cow dung has medicinal properties and has been accused of using 
animal and human remains in some of his 'health preparations.' He denied the 

But leaders of India's state medical councils believe the government should 
take a stand against 'gurus' like Baba Ramdev over false medical claims and 
charge them under India's Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable 
Advertisements) Act.

They met in the capital New Delhi last week and spoke out against the number of 
'quacks' offering 'magical' cures for diabetes, obesity, HIV-Aids and cancer.

Baba Ramdev offers his own cancer cure based on yogic breathing exercises and 
the consumption of his own herbal wheat grass and tulsi or basil seed juice. On 
one of his videos promoting the cure he claims the juice is effective where 
chemotherapy fails. 

"Consume as much as you can digest. There is no side effect with this juice. 
With this treatment, we have seen that blood cancer can be cured," he said.
The guru publicises unproven claims like these on his television shows which 
are watched by more than 30 million and help contribute to his global health 
empire which is believed to have a turnover of more than £25 million a year.
Health officials want to rein in unlicensed and unqualified practitioners like 
Ramdev and for the so-called 'ayurvedic medicines' they promote to be regulated.
"There is no drug for diseases like cancer or Aids and anybody claiming 
otherwise is misleading people; action must be taken against them," said Dr S C 
Sharma, drug controller for Uttrakhand, the Himalayan hill state where many of 
the country's top ayurvedic gurus are based. 
"The law is well defined and people claiming cure for cancer should be brought 
under Drugs and Magic remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act. In India 
only chemists selling allopathic medicines need a license; no such license is 
required for selling ayurvedic medicine. It becomes difficult for us to act 
against them," he added.
Baba Ramdev has come under increased scrutiny since he led anti-corruption 
protests in New Delhi last year which became associated with the government's 
opponents. He is under investigation in connection with the acquisition of a £2 
million purchase of Little Cumbrae or 'Peace Island' off the West Coast of 
Scotland, where his European operations are.

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