Dear Friends:

This is from New York Times today (14 03 2012). I hope the statistics will be 
useful to those who are interested.


In Indian Homes, Phones and Electricity in rise, but sanitation & Internet 

India’s households have, overall, become more comfortable in the past 10 years, 
but hundreds of millions of people still lack basics like electricity, toilets 
and a convenient water source, according the Housing Census that was released 
Tuesday by Home Secretary R. K. Singh. The survey looks about 330 million 
households in India.
A few highlights:
Housing:  More than 91 million households live in one room homes, and 179 
million homes are two rooms or less.
Electricity: Nearly 70 percent of the households use electricity, the census 
shows, an improvement over 11 percent in 2001. The rural-urban gap for homes 
with electricity has dropped from 44 percent in 2001 to 37 percent. More than 
30 percent of households still use kerosene for light.
For cooking, 67 percent of households use firewood, crop residue or cow dung 
cakes. Only 29 percent of households use cooking gas, biogas or electricity as 
cooking fuel.
Water: Only 43.5 percent of houses have tap water. More than one-third, roughly 
36 percent, have to fetch water from source a located within 500 meters (about 
a third of a mile) from their home in rural areas and 100 meters in urban 
areas. Nearly 20 percent have to walk farther than that to get water.
Communication: A telephone, whether a land line or mobile, is used by 63 
percent of total households – 82 percent in urban areas and 54 percent in rural 
areas, an increase of 54 percentage points from 2001. A mobile phone is owned 
by 59 percent of households.
There has been a huge jump in television ownership – up from 15.6 percent to 43 
percent in since 2001.
A computer or laptop is owned by 20 percent of the households in urban India 
and just 5 percent in rural areas. Only 3 percent of overall households have an 
internet connection.
Sanitation: Kitchen facilities are present in 61 percent of households, but 53 
percent have no toilet facilities, down from 63 percent in 2001. Just over half 
of all households, or 51 percent, are connected to some sort of drainage 
facilities. Bathing facilities are present in 58 percent of homes, up from 21 
percent in 2001.
Transportation: Just 5 percent of Indian households have a four-wheeled 
vehicle, or car or truck. More than one-fifth, or 21 percent, have motorcycles 
or scooters and 41 percent rely on bicycles.
Banking: The number of households using banking facilities has jumped 
substantially, from 27 percent in 2001 to 59 percent in this census.



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