Dear Friends:

The following news appear in the New York Times this morning (16 03 2012)

:1. Tough Tasks Ahead for India's Youngest Chief Minister  (Note:Copied in a 
separate post)
 2. Can India's Mr 'Fix It' Spur Growth? (Note:A critique of India's recent 
Budget copied below}
 3. Artist Bharti Kher Explores the Idea of Home
 4. What's Really Happened to Rail Fares in the Last Nine Years 
 5.Image of the Day: March 15

Global Business news: Bad Loans at State-Run Banks Add to India's Woes

Can India’s ‘Mr. Fix It’ Spur Growth?

The stakes are high for India’s finance minister, Pranjab Mukherjee, as he 
delivers the annual statement of the Union Budget.
Will Mr. Mukherjee do anything today to answer the growing chorus of criticism 
of his government’s poor record of economic management and failure to push 
forward its own economic liberalization agenda? Will anything in today’s budget 
help resuscitate the economy’s flagging growth rate?
The last few months haven’t been kind to the Indian economy. Nor has its 
steward, the aging political veteran and all-purpose fixer, Mr. Mukherjee, been 
able to do much, if anything, to stem the tide. Just a year ago, after two 
straight years of economic growth above 8 percent, there was talk that the 
country might join China in the exalted league of major economies with 
sustained double-digit growth.
That’s been revealed to be a pipe dream, as India recorded only 6.1 percent 
growth in the last quarter of 2011. When the dust has settled and the final 
statistics are in, it’s likely we’ll find that the economy has grown at under 7 
percent for the fiscal year that’s coming to an end on March 31.
While 7 percent growth is beyond the wildest dreams of any developed country 
finance minister, as the world digests the aftermath of both the global 
financial crisis and the Eurozone crisis, it’s a poor performance for a large 
emerging economy like India.
The underlying fundamentals of high domestic savings and investment – even 
given the leakage caused by fiscal profligacy – suggest that the economy 
shouldn’t be much below 8 percent growth.
That’s because textbook economic growth theory tells us that a savings to 
investment rate of 35 percent, and an incremental capital-output ratio of 4, 
both of which India has, if not better, should give the country a potential 
growth rate of 8.75 percent. Even allowing for the global slowdown, falling 
below 8 percent is bad news, and below 7 is appalling.
A government’s budget statement can’t create rapid economic growth, but it can 
certainly enable it (or do the opposite). And higher growth is a crucial means 
to the end of poverty reduction, and so arguably more important for the “aam 
admi” (common person) than for “India Inc.”
Will Mr. Mukherjee’s budget answer the call?

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