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Dear Friends:

Just after posting my  email to Assamnet, I find India Ink, New York Times, has 
added another article on the 2012 budget.. 
I better give it to you here and now:


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India Proposes Higher Taxes and Slower Spending

Sanjeev Gupta/European Pressphoto Agency
Pranab Mukherjee, India’s finance minister, proposed raising the budget for 
school lunches.

Published: March 16, 2012








MUMBAI — India’s finance minister said Friday that the country would raise 
taxes and slow growth in spending in an effort to lower its swelling budget 

India Ink: Analyzing the 2012-13 Budget

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Analysts and investors said, however, that they were disappointed that he did 
not announce measures to bolster the country’s slowing economy.
In an annual budget speech to Parliament, the minister, Pranab Mukherjee, said 
India would reduce its budget deficit to 5.1 percent of gross domestic product 
in the fiscal year that starts in April, down from an estimated 5.9 percent for 
the current year, by relying heavily on increases in sales taxes and import 
tariffs on cars, gold and other items.
The government also proposed a change in tax laws that could impose billions of 
dollars in capital gains taxes on foreign investors retroactively to 1962.
Mr. Mukherjee offered few concrete details about long-pending proposals to 
simplify the country’s tax system or to allow greater foreign investment in 
retail, insurance and aviation. Though he announced higher spending on 
infrastructure, analysts said it was hard to see how the budget would 
significantly increase economic growth, which is expected to slow to 7 percent 
this year, according to the International Monetary Fund, from 7.4 percent in 
2011 and 9.9 percent in 2010.
Analysts and investors closely watch India’s fiscal budget of 14.9 trillion 
rupees ($296 billion) because the government still controls much of the 
economy, including the financial system, directly or indirectly.
In recent years, the government has also borrowed significant sums of money to 
pay for subsidies and government programs, which, some analysts say, have 
crowded out private companies and individuals.
This budget comes 10 days after the governing Congress party, of which Mr. 
Mukherjee is a senior leader, suffered defeats in important state elections. 
Those defeats and the fraying relationship between Congress and regional 
political parties whose support it needs to stay in power probably limited Mr. 
Mukherjee’s options, especially in proposing big policy changes.
Mr. Mukherjee acknowledged India’s recent challenges at the start of his 
speech, saying: “We have to improve our macroeconomic environment.”
But analysts said the details of his budget provided little to advance that 
cause, aside from allowing private companies to borrow more money from foreign 
sources. Some also questioned the government’s ability to deliver on its fiscal 
promises, given that it spent significantly more and collected a lot less in 
taxes than it had estimated in the previous budget.
“He is still thinking of growth as being slowed down just because of the cost 
of acquiring capital,” said Jahangir Aziz, JPMorgan’s chief economist for 
India. “Growth has slowed down because of that, but much more has happened 
because of slowdown in government policy.”
Mr. Aziz said this budget appeared to be more realistic than the one last year, 
which had a fiscal deficit target of 4.6 percent of G.D.P. But he added that 
given the high price of oil and other commodities, India would struggle to 
contain spending on its fuel, food and fertilizer subsidies, which cost an 
estimated 2.4 trillion rupees — about 2.7 percent of the economy. Mr. Mukherjee 
said he would reduce those costs to 2 percent of G.D.P. in the new budget year.
One senior banker in Mumbai said Mr. Mukherjee should be commended for trying 
to reduce the deficit and for providing more money and tax breaks for 
infrastructure. By doing so, the budget lays the groundwork for interest rate 
cuts by the Reserve Bank of India in the coming months, said the banker, Rana 
Kapoor, chief executive of Yes Bank in Mumbai.
“The government is getting its act together on fiscal discipline,” Mr. Kapoor 
Still, other people expressed concern about the budget, especially a proposal 
that was tucked away in detailed budget documents. The government said it plans 
to amend its tax code retroactively to allow it to levy capital gains taxes on 
sales of Indian assets that take place abroad by foreign entities. The change 
would apply to transactions that took place as far back as April 1962, when the 
tax code became effective.
The amendment appears to be principally aimed at taxing the British firm 
Vodafone, which paid $11 billion to buy an Indian cellphone operator from 
Hutchison Telecommunications of Hong Kong in a 2007 offshore transaction. In 
January, the Indian Supreme Court ruled that Vodafone should not have to pay a 
$2.2 billion tax that the government said it should have deducted from its 
purchase price. The Indian government has asked the Supreme Court to review its 
Fereshte Sethna, an Indian lawyer who was part of the team that represented 
Vodafone in its tax case, said the proposal would scare off foreign investors — 
the same people the government was trying to attract elsewhere in the budget. 
“It is unconstitutional and would not withstand judicial scrutiny,” she said 
about the proposal.
Later in the day, Mr. Mukherjee said that the government was merely seeking to 
clarify the 1962 law — something it has done before with other laws. He said 
the change was meant to close a loophole that allowed some companies like 
Vodafone to structure transactions in low- or no-tax havens to avoid paying any 
capital gains tax.
“We are making it very clear that it is the law of the land — this is the 
intention of the legislature,” he said on NDTV, a news channel.
In a tacit acknowledgment of the growing problem of bad debt in the state-owned 
banking system, Mr. Mukherjee said the government would invest 158.9 billion 
rupees in state-owned banks.
After the budget was announced, India’s stock markets fell, with the benchmark 
Nifty Index closing down 1.2 percent.

Malavika Vyawahare contributed reporting from New De

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