EMFA Media Awards 2011 presented

Guwahati, March 18: In presence of Bertil Lintner, eminent journalist from
Bangkok and the State chief minister Traun Gogoi, over 25 television
journalist and media persons were honoured today with SBI 2nd EMFA Media
Awards in a glittering function held at Ravindra Bhawan on March 18
(Sunday). Guest of Honour was Ram Krishna Garg, Chief General Manager,
State Bank of India-Northeast Circle. Awardees were felicitated with a
citation, trophy and a cheque for Rs 10,000/- each.

Best Voice Over: Mousumi Bora (News Live)
Best Video Editor: jointly Anupam Bordoloi (NETV), Ms Atraye (DY365)
Best Graphic team: Frontier TV
Best Programme: Khoj (Prime News)
Best Programme (Women Issues):  Bandhabi (Rang)
Best Anchor (Male): Nituamani Saikia (News Live)
Best Anchor (Female):  Nabanita Kalita  (Prime News)
Best Camera Person: Mukut Medhi (CNN-IBN)
Best Sports Reporting (The Channel): NewsTime Assam
Best Reporting on Human Interested Story:  Pankaj Pratim Dutta, Ainul
Haque (DY365), Mujibur Rahman (DY 365 from Nalbari)
Best Reporting on Development issues:  Nabajit Barthakur, Gautam
Talukder (DY365)
Best Reporting on Economic issues: Debajit Talukder, Albert Brendo (News Live)
Best Reporting on Environment issues:  jointly Manoj Kumar Deka (Prag News),
Ranjit Rajak (News Live)
Best Reporting on Insurgency issues:  Prasanta Mena,  Sanjib+ Sunit (NETV)
Best Investigative Reporting:  Agnib Gogoi, Ramu Basfor (NETV)
Best Story/ Reporting:  Gautam Hazarika (DY365)

The welcome address was delivered by Nava Thakuria, president, EMFA.
Earlier a chorus was performed by seven lady journalists. The lyrics
are penned by popular poet Eli Ahmed.  Two audio visuals, produced by
EMFA with the help of six lady journalists who visited Diphu for
reporting on fluorosis menace, were also played in the function. A Bihu dance 
was also performed on the occasion.

Welcome address by Nava Thakuria, president, EMFA
Esteemed chief guest honourable chief minister of Assam Tarun Gogoi Dangoria
Respected Bertil Lintner Dangoria, ----
Its my privilege to address you all in the auspicious gathering of
media persons and well-wishers of journalists. As we are witnessing
the increase of television channels in northeast India, we come to
realize that we are also increasing the number of television reporters
and camera persons.
Journalism in this part of India remains difficult, but the media
persons attached with the electronic media have to face more troubles.
A true sense round the clock duty, where every second counts for
presenting a news item makes the life of a reporter really stressful.
They are also very much vulnerable as they have to carry television
cameras, other equipments including DSNG or OB van regularly. Moreover
most of the active television reporter and anchors are exposed to the
audience or viewers. So they need special care.
From the Electronic Media Forum Assam, we are trying our best to
encourage the television journalists and other technical persons for
their excellence in work and commitment to the medium. EMFA has also
plan to organize regular orientation and training program for the
television journalists based in the city as well as the rural areas.
A small audio-visual about the brief history of television journalism
in northeast India is ready for your kind information. Moreover, we
will present a small documentary on the fluorosis, which is emerging
as a major health hazard in our State. The significance of the
documentary is that it is produced by a group lady reporters and
camera persons. They are our sincere members and took the assignment
to visit Karbi Anglong for the assignment. You will surely enjoy
looking at all of them making P to C in the documentary.
It is said and believed that the television journalism is run by the
TRP. As it is an expensive medium, we have to depend on the audience
response that is somehow reflected in the TRP list. But there are some
programs, or should be some, which needs to be telecast for the sack
of our society, our culture and our great nation. I believe,  it is
time to appeal the proprietors of the news channels to dedicate few
minutes, if not hours, for some positive news item and programs, which
may not earn sufficient TRP. But I believe it will carry goodwill to
the television channels from our viewers.
We are encouraged by your presence here. This is our second endeavor
to honor our colleagues for their works in previous year. This time we
have received more than 200 entries for awards in 16 categories. A
team of senior television journalists, editors, former vice-chancellor
were our jury, who took pain to select the awardees for today’s
I must convey my heartiest thanks to Bertil Lintner, who has helped us
to rediscover our won Asia in a better way. A hardcore journalist and
an author, Lintner Dangoria will definitely inspire our young reporter
and producers in their mission to highlight the issues with sincerity
and dedication. We also encouraged by the presence of Ram Krishna Garg
Dangoria, who functions as the Chief General Manager, State bank of
India’s Northeast Circle.
I conclude here with three requests to our beloved chief minister sir.
First, most of the media persons belong to both the print and
television journalism here survive with very minimum salary and other
benefits like health and life insurance. Please help us to perform our
respective duties in a dignified manner, where media persons are
offered their dues for their contributions to the nation.
Secondly, Guwahati Press Club is urging for a plot of land nearby its
resent location at Ambari. The press club is planning for a
multi-story building where all modern facilities for the journalists
will be available.  I am aware of your support to the cause. We, from
the EMFA also support it as we recognize the press club as our mother
organization. Once the permanent office of Guwahati Press Club will be
completed, all journalist unions are expected to function from the
same campus.
Thirdly, we are also planning for a corpus fund for the benefit of our
colleagues. The fund will be contributory and the money will be used
for one time financial support to our members. We expect to raise the
fund up to few crores and we have also decided that the money from the
donor organizations will be returned in 2025. There after, we are
hopeful that we will be able to run the corpus fund with our
individual contributions. We expect all possible supports from our
chief minister sir in this endevour.
Finally I conclude with all our wishes to our chief minister for his
probable role in national political arena in the next few months.
Thank you.

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