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This news is from India Ink, N Y Times (21 03 2012)


Hindu Victory Could Ease Indian Anger With Russia
By HARVEY MORRIS | March 21, 2012, 8:16 AM

European Pressphoto Agency
Hindus demonstrated in Mumbai in December to protest a proposed Russian ban one 
of their most holy texts.

LONDON — Russia extricated itself from an embarrassing spat with India on 
Wednesday when a provincial appeals court definitively rejected an attempt to 
ban a version of the Bhagavad Gita, one of Hinduism’s most holy texts.
An almost year-long legal dispute had been raised at the highest level between 
the two nations, traditional friends and partners. The case caused an uproar in 
the Indian parliament and was raised when Manmohan Singh, the Indian prime 
minister, visited Moscow in December.
A group of Russian scholars, in a written appeal to the Kremlin, said the case 
“discredits Russia’s cultural and democratic credentials in the eyes of the 
civilized world and is driving a wedge in Russian-Indian relations.”
The controversy stemmed from attempts by prosecutors in the Siberian city of 
Tomsk to ban a version of the holy book that Tomsk University experts claimed 
“incites religious hatred, humiliates the dignity of people on the basis of 
sex, race, nationality, language, origin and attitude toward religion.”
Members of the Hare Krishna movement, whose founder Bhaktivedanta Swami 
Prabhupada wrote the contentious version, rushed to its defense, claiming 
Russia’s 50,000 Hindus were being singled out for persecution by the state and 
the powerful Christian Orthodox church.
For some, the case fit into a pattern of Russian treatment of religious 
minorities. Jehovah’s Witnesses have frequently been summoned before Russian 
courts and their publications banned as extremist, raising concerns in Europe.
In the Tomsk case, the local district court in December ruled against the 
prosecution, prompting prosecutors to appeal. Hare Krishna devotees burst into 
applause at Wednesday’s hearing when the higher court threw out the case. The 
Indian press had reported anxiety and frustration among Russian Hindus ahead of 
the ruling.
“We are grateful to the Russian judicial system,” Sadhu Priya Das, head of the 
Russian branch of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, was 
quoted as saying.
Tomsk prosecutors had attempted to argue that they did not seek to ban the 
Bhagavad Gita, available in Russia since the 18th century, but only this 
particular version of the holy book and the commentaries it contained, an 
argument supported by Russian officials but rejected by the defense.
Russian-Indian relations may have been spared further fallout but Russia’s 
Hindus are not out of the woods yet. A Vedic cultural center in St. Petersburg, 
home town of president-elect Vladimir V. Putin, is facing eviction in a 
property dispute.
“This could be the part of the anti-Hindu campaign by a section of Russian 
Orthodox Christian Church zealots, after their demand to seek the ban on the 
Bhagavad Gita,” Suren Karapetyan, head of the Center for Spiritual Development, 
told India’s Zeenews.

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