Dear Friends:

From N Y Times (23 03 2021)

March 21, 2012, 7:49 AM
A Hunger Artist

Indranil Mukherjee/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Anna Hazare in December 2011.

DHAKA, Bangladesh — On Monday, in a display of rank opportunism, the celebrity 
anticorruption campaigner Anna Hazare jumped onto the bandwagon of a leading 
Indian environmentalist who is on the 42nd day of a hunger strike to protect 
the Ganges River.
Hazare’s belated endorsement of G.D. Agrawal, the dean of India’s environmental 
engineers, shows how desperate the good-government zealots of his “Team Anna” 
have become since their movement briefly shook India and then deflated.
Last summer, Hazare and his minions were riding high on a media-amplified 
campaign to ram a utopian anticorruption law through Parliament. Their 
short-lived agitation for the creation of an all-powerful anti-graft ombudsman 
position began, fittingly enough, with a four-day fast by Hazare that received 
saturation news coverage.

High on the attention, Hazare and his people couldn’t spare a moment for the 
Ganges activists begging for their help. At the time, a young swami 
namedNigamanand was starving himself to death in the northern city of Haridwar 
to stop illegal quarrying of the Ganges riverbed. Nigamanand died on June 13, 
unnoticed and unheralded.
Now, the anticorruption law is in tatters after the upper house of Parliament 
declined to pass it. And with the media looking elsewhere, Team Anna has taken 
up the Ganges cause.
“I will support him,” Hazare told the Press Trust of India on Monday, after a 
two-hour hospital visit with Agrawal in New Delhi. “He is fighting for the holy 
river.” By then, the 80-year-old Agrawal had already suffered a heart attack 
and endured a botched attempt at force-feeding while in state custody.
Ganges activism would seem to be a good fit for Hazare’s anticorruption agenda: 
construction mafias and their allies in government pillage the riverbank daily 
for sand and stones. The sacred waters are polluted by factories whose managers 
pay bribes for the privilege. The raising of expensive dams brings a fortune in 
kickbacks to politicians and regulators.
But last May, as Nigamanand was dying for these very issues, Team Anna looked 
the other way. When Vijay Verma, a lay member of the ashram to which Nigamanand 
belonged, asked Hazare’s top organizer for assistance, he got the brush-off. 
“He was very strange to me,” Verma told me last year, recalling a conversation 
with Arvind Kejriwal, who one magazine has dubbed “Anna’s General.” “He said, 
‘I have my own struggle. We are busy in our own struggle.’ As if this saint’s 
life weren’t in the balance.”
On Monday morning, however, as news of Agrawal’s fast began to spread on the 
Internet, Kejriwal started drumming up support on Twitter, that crucible of 
armchair revolutionaries.
Whatever you may think of the efficacy of political fasts — Agrawal’s demand 
for a complete moratorium on Ganges River dams seems unlikely — the threat of 
death has a way of separating the saints from the softies.
Hazare, who is 74, would seem to be among the latter. His movement began with 
that four-day fast last April. In August, with hundreds of thousands of 
supporters jamming the streets of New Delhi, he went 12 days without food, 
relenting only when Parliament reluctantly agreed to take up his anticorruption 
bill. It was Team Anna’s high-water mark.
By December, however, Hazare had to cancel a new fast after only one day amid 
low public interest. He now plans to hold a one-day fast on March 25 to draw 
attention to the cause of murdered whistleblowers. Similarly, in June, the 
popular yoga guru Baba Ramdev, an ally of Hazare, fasted “unto death” for a 
mere nine days.
Compare these relatively brief efforts with the iron commitments of three men 
fighting for a clean and free-flowing Ganges: the late Nigamanand (68 days); 
Nigamanand’s teacher, Swami Shivanand (21 days, in 2000); andAgrawal (who 
hasn’t eaten since Feb. 8 or taken water since March 8). Agrawal is receiving 
intravenous fluids against his will.
It might seem that Anna Hazare has lent his star power to Agrawal and the 
Ganges cause. In fact, it’s the other way around

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