Dear Friends:

From the NY Times (30 03 20120. The news is blocked partially by the 


March 29, 2012, 6:37 AM
Indian Students Look Regionally for Higher Education

“While finishing high school near Pune, India, Pooja Modi started looking for 
university engineering programs online. Eighteen years old at the time, she 
knew she wanted to become a solar energy expert,” Christopher F. Schuetze 
writes in The International Herald Tribune.
“The location of her studies was less important to her than the quality of the 
program,” Mr.Schuetze writes. “Going abroad was not important, but getting the 
best education was,” for Ms. Modi, he writes.
She was admitted to the University of New South Wales in Australia. Now in her 
fourth year of studies there, she says she could not have made a better choice, 
Mr. Schuetze writes.

Though traditional host countries like the United States and Britain are still 
heavily favored, a trend toward regionalism is emerging. More students are 
choosing the shorter travel distances, greater cultural similarities and closer 
economic ties of neighboring countries.
South Korea, Australia and New Zealand are “emerging market” destinations 
according to Chiao-Ling Chien of Unesco’s Institutes of Statistics, which 
carries out studies on foreign student.

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