Dear Friends:

A nice story of Jewish migration from today's NY Times (03 04 2012).I hope the 
Jews from Mizoram too settled peacefully in Israel by this time.
Any information?


April 3, 2012, 8:03 AM
A Childhood Passage to Israel for Baghdadi Jews of India

Shaul Sapir
Shaul Sapir with his sister Rachel Sapir in Bombay, 1953.

Shaul Sapir, a professor of historical geography at Jerusalem’s Hebrew 
University, knows a thing or two about his field.
At age 8, seeking out a Hebrew chewing gum he had seen in an advertisement, Mr. 
Sapir went to his father and insisted he be allowed to move to Israel. Despite 
the fact that the Sapir family was living a comfortable life in Mumbai, his 
parents, Mumbai-born descendants of Jews who had migrated from Baghdad several 
generations earlier, agreed.
India was newly independent, and the Sapirs, like many within the Jewish 
community of the city, formerly known as Bombay, were concerned that a 
post-British India might become an unwelcome place for Jews. So Mr. Sapir and 
his older sister, at the boy’s bidding, were sent to live with an aunt. “They 
were used to it,” Mr. Sapir says of his request to make “aliyah,” the term Jews 
use for immigrating to Israel. “They had sent me to a boarding school, so what 
was it to send me to Israel?”

Debra Kamin
Shaul Sapir, professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel.

Mr. Sapir’s childhood passage to Israel was part of a flood of immigration by 
Baghdadi Jews – Indian Jews who, like his family, had moved to the subcontinent 
from Syria, Iraq and other Arab countries, as well as Iran, in late 1800s – to 
the newly minted Jewish state in the 1950s and 1960s. Mr. Sapir and his sister, 
under the watchful eye of their aunt, learned Hebrew, enrolled in Israeli 
schools and grew up as Israelis. His sister now lives in the southern city of 
Eilat while Mr. Sapir, after a stint as a paratrooper in the Israeli Army and 
many years of academic work, happily instructs his students on the movement of 
peoples across time and space.
The elder Sapirs joined their children seven years later. They, too, were far 
from alone. At their height, the Baghdadi Jews of India, who had flourished 
dually in Kolkata and Mumbai, numbered close to 7,000. Three large synagogues 
still stand in Kolkata, previously referred to as Calcutta. Yet there are 
hardly enough Jews to form a 10-person “minyan,” the minimum number of 
worshippers Jewish law requires for certain ceremonies.
“Once upon a time there used to be a rich community in Calcutta,” says Isaac 
Ashkenazy, the director of public relations for the Indian Jewish Heritage 
Center in Israel and himself a Kolkata-born Baghdadi Jew. Mr. Ashkenazy came to 
Israel considerably late – in the 1970s, at age 22 – and believes his 
community’s migration was based more on fear than fact. “I think it was more 
paranoia than anything else. Because the Indian community in general is a very 
tolerant civilization,” he says.
Economic factors also played a role. Many Baghdadi Jews had flourishing 
businesses in colonial India, and with the departure of the British came the 
rise of communism. The Baghdadi Jews of India, whose grandparents and 
great-grandparents came to the country as traders and passed significant 
empires of wealth and enterprise onto their grandchildren, were now looking for 
new opportunities.
To Mr. Ashkenazy, the trajectory of India’s Baghdadi Jews is a story as old as 
Judaism itself. “Jewish people, all our culture, our religion is very tribal. 
It’s very hierarchical. It comes from father to son, and that’s why my 
fatherhood is India, and my motherhood is Israel,” he says.
Debra Kamin is a journalist living in Tel Aviv. She is the Tel Aviv stringer 
for Variety and a freelancer for The New York Times and a few other 
publications. You can read more of her work at , or follow 
her on Twitter @debra_kamin.

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