Dear Friends:

This news is from the New York Times today (05 04 2012). 


April 5, 2012, 3:09 AM
Kerala’s Cochini Jews Meld Into Israel

Jay A. Waronker
Interior of the Kerala Synagogue on Moshav Nevatim in southern Israel.

On Moshav Nevatim, a dust-blown, palm-tree studded community on the northern 
edge of Israel’s Negev desert stands a humble little synagogue with an enormous 
past. The Kerala Synagogue, as it is called, was built in the style of the 
synagogues of India’s Cochini Jews, a hardy handful of whom settled Nevatim in 
the 1950s after emigrating from the Indian state of Kerala.
The synagogue has two reader platforms – a unique trademark of Cochini 
worshipers – as well as traditional wooden benches and electric lights meant to 
resemble the oil lamps of the synagogues the Cochini Jews left behind.
Some say the Cochini Jews, who were India’s first established Jewish community, 
came to the subcontinent 2,000 years ago, during the time of King Solomon. 
Others claim they settled in Kerala after reaching India’s fertile Malabar 
coast as pepper traders. Today, most Cochini Jews live in Israel, cherishing 
the relics of their tradition even as each generation grows more and more 

“Most of the Cochini people do not marry within the community,” said Reut 
Eliahu, a bubbly 29-year-old Cochini Jew studying for her master’s degree in 
material engineering. Ms. Eliahu’s boyfriend is an Ashkenazi Jew, meaning his 
family is of Eastern European descent, but she says her parents never pressured 
her to date within the community. “I only have one cousin who married a 
Cochini,” she said. “All of the others married outside, to Ashkenazi, Moroccan, 
or other Jews.”
Because so many Cochini Jews marry outside the community, it is nearly 
impossible to pinpoint the precise number living in Israel today. For Tirza 
Lavi, however, who was born in Kerala and moved to Israel in 1971, at age 13, 
the lack of data is not an issue. Ms. Lavi volunteers as the curator of Cochin 
Jewish Heritage Center, also on Moshav Nevatim, while also working as an 
administrator at Hebrew University and writing her master’s thesis on the 
Cochin Jews. “I’m working for a living and also studying for my soul, and I’m 
working at the museum also for my soul,” she said.
Earlier this month, Ms. Lavi joined some 500 other Cochini Jews at a two-day 
retreat at the Leonardo Hotel at the Dead Sea, the 12th such gathering in so 
many years. She worked with the Heritage Center to arrange a special photo 
exhibit for the gathering, which included snapshots of the Cochin community in 
India before the 1950s and 1960s, when they came en masse to Israel.
“It was very successful for us,” she said of the exhibit. “People love to see 
their elders or themselves as children, or their fathers or grandfathers.”
At the conference, community members listened to lectures on the history of 
their people sang ancient Cochini songs and browsed stalls of traditional 
hand-knitted skullcaps.
Ms. Eliahu’s parents were among the Cochinis who trekked to the Dead Sea, but 
she chose not to attend. Her identity, she said, is strictly Israeli.
“They came to Israel so long ago,” she said of her grandparents. “We don’t see 
the connection to India anymore. They came to Israel, and that’s it."

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