This artcle is from th Opinion page of the New York Times (April 12, 2012)


It’s More Than Lunch
When the leaders of India and Pakistan got together for lunch on Sunday in New 
Delhi there were no dramatic breakthroughs. But given their countries’ 
combustible history — and the ever present danger of even worse — the first 
visit to India by a Pakistani head of state in seven years was another small 
sign of progress. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India and President Asif Ali 
Zardari of Pakistan both deserve credit for their sensible, workmanlike effort 
over the past year to improve relations between the two nuclear rivals. 

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After the 2008 Mumbai attacks by Pakistani-based extremists, abetted by the 
army, there were fears that things could spin out of control. India showed 
admirable restraint in not retaliating, but Pakistan has failed to bring the 
terrorists to justice. India still agreed to resume a dialogue on a broad range 
of issues last year. Cabinet ministers and civil servants from both sides now 
regularly exchange visits. To build real trust, military and intelligence 
officials must join in. 
They have made the most progress on increasing economic cooperation. India and 
Pakistan do more trade with Britain than with each other, but they are 
modernizing the handling of goods at borders, easing visa restrictions and 
talking about oil pipelines and linking electric grids. 
They have much more to talk seriously about, including a joint stake in a 
stable Afghanistan and the disputed region of Kashmir. A calamity last week at 
the Siachen Glacier — more than 100 Pakistan soldiers were killed in an 
avalanche — highlights the need for both sides to bring their troops home from 
that remote border. 
There can be no real reconciliation with India until Pakistan prosecutes those 
responsible for the Mumbai attack, which killed more than 160 people. Last 
week, the United States put up a $10 million reward for the capture of 
Pakistani militant Hafiz Saeed, who is accused of being the mastermind and 
lives openly in Lahore. There have been no significant attacks on Indian 
territory by Pakistani terrorists since Mumbai. Whether that is luck or the 
result of government policy in Islamabad is unclear. Either way, those 
responsible for Mumbai must stand trial for their crimes. President Zardari has 
invited Prime Minister Singh to Pakistan this year, and we hope he goes. Both 
leaders are politically constrained and may not be able to deliver bold peace 
moves. But if they keep pursuing incremental steps, they may yet build a peace

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