April 14, 2012, 7:09 AM
Newswallah: Bharat Edition

Jammu and Kashmir: A 48-year-old-farmer in the state has invented a “singing 
lantern,” Kashmir Live reported. Gulam Mohammad Mir invented the musical 
lantern to spare himself the surprise of unannounced military search operations 
at his house in south Kashmir. The device, fitted with motion sensors, alerted 
him of any human activity and helped him prepare for searches of his home.
Assam: Tea production in Assam was down by 43 percent in January compared to 
the same period last year because of unfavorable weather conditions, the 
Nagaland Post reported. The figures referred to the first picking season of the 
year. Analysts in the industry, however, remained optimistic since better 
weather conditions could help make up for the loss in later months. The first 
picking accounts for only 10 percent of annual tea production in Assam, the 
newspaper reported.
West Bengal: Private schools run by religious minorities in the state, such as 
St. Xavier’s, the Don Bosco schools, the Loreto schools, are set to stop 
accepting government aid to avoid reserving seats for underprivileged students, 
The Telegraph reported. According to the Right to Education Act, any school 
that receives aid from the government must reserve a fourth of its seats for 
students from a socially and economically disadvantaged background. But the 
schools have found an “escape route,” a clause in the recent Supreme Court 
order that, “exempts ‘unaided minority institutions’ from reserving 25 percent 
of their seats for the underprivileged,” the newspaper reported.
Uttar Pradesh: The Uttar Pradesh government announced a major administrative 
reshuffle, Friday, with the transfer of several senior officialsfrom the local 
administration to different departments within the state (IBNLive). About 70 
officials of Indian Administrative Service cadre, including 32 district 
magistrates and five divisional commissioners are on the list.
Rajasthan: On Thursday the Rajasthan Assembly passed a legislation aimed at 
reducing corruption in the state (The Hindu). The new law, modeled after the 
existing legislation in the states of Bihar and Odisha, will allow the 
government to confiscate and attach any disproportionate property accumulated 
by corrupt officials. The Rajasthan Special Courts Act, as the law is called, 
will bring under its authority all public servants whose salaries are paid by 
the government. Judicial officers and the Chief Minister of the state will also 
be included in its purview.
Gujarat: The Gujarat government recently proposed its second ultra mega power 
project (UMPP), which will be run on imported coal, the Economic Times 
reported. The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) under the federal ministry of 
power has identified 500 hectare of land in Lodhva village, Junagadh district 
for the 4,000-megawatt project. Earlier this year Tata Power commissioned its 
first imported coal fired UMPP in Mudra, Gujarat, with an 800-megawatt power 
generation capacity.

Andhra Pradesh: The crafting of 12 bronze statues, vandalized last year, has 
been delayed because the government hasn’t released the funds it promised, the 
New Indian Express reported. The ministry of culture had contracted a local 
sculptor to replace by March the damaged statues of prominent personalities in 
this southern state, but hasn’t made the payment it promised.

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