From The Telegraph (April 17, 2012)

Foreign aid saves lives
A new report shows that overseas aid has been instrumental in saving millions of children's lives over the last two decades. Britain's generosity is working, reports Justin Forsyth.

Save the Children's East Africa famine appeal last year was the most successful in the charity's history Photo: REUTERS
By Justin Forsyth10:14AM BST 17 Apr 20121 Comment
In an age of austerity, when everyone is feeling the pinch, some question whether we should continue giving aid to poor countries. The resounding answer is yes, according to a new report Save the Children and the Overseas Development Institute published today, which for the first time presents quantifiable evidence of the impact of aid on child survival, health and education. The findings are inspiring. Four million fewer children aged under five died in 2010 than in 1990. Over 50 million more children were enrolled in school in the last decade. 131 countries now have over 90 per cent immunisation coverage for diphtheria, tetanus and major preventable childhood diseases such as measles, compared to just 63 in 1990. These are incredible changes, and the report presents hard evidence of the role aid played in achieving these amazing results. Of course, aid is not the only driver of such progress. There are other key factors, such as economic growth, good governance and political will. The better these parts of the puzzle fit together in a given country or context, the better the result. And if some of these things are missing, aid can play a literally life-saving part. In Botswana, for example, an aid-funded programme to provide free HIV tests for expectant mothers, medicine to those testing positive, and infant formula to their babies led to a 15 per cent fall over five years in the number of newborn children contracting HIV from their mothers. Importantly, the programme was conceived and overseen by the government and local NGOs, but paid for by aid. Similarly, in Bangladesh, a 62 per cent drop over a 17-year period in the number of deaths of under-fives was built on a booming economy and a sustained commitment from successive governments. These foundations were crucial. But so was the aid that bought the vaccines and trained the midwives, so that the government could deliver on its strategies.
Horn of Africa drought 11 Jul 2011
The report shows that using aid to drive child-focused development pushes economies forward, countering criticisms that it fosters dependency in recipient countries. Targeting aid to children saves lives in the short term, is a catalyst for development, and fills a critical gap when other conditions are lacking. There are warnings amid the successes, too. Development in conflict-affected countries remains a challenge, and future efforts must be made to target aid to the most marginalised groups in these societies. The biggest difference is made when aid complements and supports government plans for growth and development – so co-ordination and national government involvement is key. We have made great progress, but many challenges remain. Overall, however, the clear conclusion of this new analysis is that aid works, and it works in a number of different contexts and situations. That’s why the UK government’s continued commitment to give 0.7 per cent of its income in aid is so important, and so welcome. This generosity from the British people has already allowed the UK aid to make a huge difference in 22 priority countries. Over the next five years it means we will be able to vaccinate one child every two seconds – saving 1.4 million lives by 2017. And given the report’s emphasis on the need for forward planning and reliable money flows to make aid as effective as possible, the best way to make sure our money delivers for children is to make this commitment legally binding. Last year, Save the Children had our most successful ever appeal for the hunger crisis in East Africa, which is remarkable given the harsh economic climate. We know from this and other experiences that the British public cares deeply about world’s most vulnerable children, and is committed to helping them. This report shows that confidence in our ability to make a difference is well placed – not just in crisis situations, but in the long, hard slog of economic and social development. As a country, we should be proud of what has already been done for children, and proud of how much more we intend to do.
Justin Forsyth is the CEO of Save the Childre

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