April 26, 2012, 3:28 AM
In ‘The Commuters,’ a Photographer Chronicles Mumbai’s Working Class

Chirodeep Chaudhuri
A composite of images from Chirodeep Chaudhuri’s exhibit, “The Commuters,” up from April 17-29 at The Curator’s Gallery in Mumbai. You stare out of the window, you fiddle with your phone, you nod your head along to music, you block out the sounds and presence of people pressed against you, and you try to pass the time during another dreary morning commute in Mumbai’s local trains. It was out of this boredom that photographer Chirodeep Chaudhuri’s latest show “The Commuters” was born.

The show, which is on at the Curators’ Gallery of the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (formerly Prince of Wales Museum), is a series of portraits that attempts to give a face to the thousands of people who commute long hours each day in Mumbai’s local train. He has also self-published a book with 98 images of commuters with a foreword by author Jerry Pinto. Mr. Chaudhuri says the idea for the show was largely an outcome of the tediousness of commuting an hour to work, which he has done almost every day since 2001.

For Mr. Chaudhuri, the train journey became a space for introspection where he would mull over the day’s work and his ongoing projects. “I was thinking about how you would do a portrait of the working class which is by definition faceless,” Mr. Chaudhuri said. “And I realized that I was sitting there surrounded by people who got up each day, traveled for over an hour, put in another day of work and somehow that affects the GDP (gross domestic product) in a big way or small; they are the working class.”

Chirodeep Chaudhuri
A subject photographed in a Mumbai suburban train for “The Commuters” series. His desire to create a portrait of the working classes in Mumbai, the city formerly known as Bombay, was combined with a growing interest in the photographic mug shot. On a recent visit to Cambodia, the photographs of prisoners in the notorious Tuol Sleng, the notorious Khmer Rouge prison, struck a chord with the photographer. He decided to use the aesthetic framework of the mug shot to capture the experience of commuting inherent to modern urban life.

Chirodeep Chaudhuri
An old man photographed while traveling in a Mumbai train.
Each day for two years, Mr. Chaudhuri made portraits of the men who traveled with him on the 10:03 a.m. local train from Thane to Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in the first class men’s compartment. “I could only photograph the man who happened to be sitting in front of me,” he said. “Even if I saw another guy sitting in the corner with a more interesting face, I wasn’t allowed to change my seat.”

On most occasions, his subjects were not even aware they were being photographed. “No one ever took it very seriously or objected,” said Mr. Chaudhury, who would pretend he was fiddling with his camera like people did with their cell phones. “During a train commute usually no one tries to talk to people sitting near them. In Bombay if you can block off people for a while you are relieved.”

To capture the sense of the subtle monotony integral to the daily commute, Mr. Chaudhuri chose to do the series in black and white. “All of us packed into the train became this large ball of flesh,” said the photographer. “The colors become layers of information which I didn’t think were important for the narrative.”

In the space of imposed intimacy that the train compartment created, Chirodeep Chaudhuri captured his fellow passengers’ small quirks. There are men who are fiddling with their headphones, some staring vacantly out of the window, a couple peering suspiciously into the lens itself, some nodding off to sleep with soporific yawns and a series of men engrossed by their cell phones – sometimes sporting two at a time. One that stands out is a man wearing a T-shirt that reads, “I’m part of the problem.” The show features 56 of Mr. Chaudhuri’s 800 photographs. Mr. Chaudhuri continues to take photographs of commuters on his daily journey.

Mr. Chaudhuri, 38, has worked as a photographer and photojournalist since the early 1990s in Mumbai. He is currently national photo editor of Time Out India. A self-taught photographer, Mr. Chaudhuri says he began his relationship with the camera by accident on a commute home. Browsing through the pavement bookstalls in Mumbai’s Flora Fountain area, one afternoon when he was in college, he came across a copy of Life magazine. “In the next one and a half hours it took to get home, I became a huge fan of photography,” he said.

Having grown up in Mumbai, Mr. Chaudhuri considers the city his primary muse. He has documented the city and its transformations for more than 18 years, including buildings in Mumbai with clocks on them (he found 51), the Western waterfronts of Mumbai, the average citizen’s sense of enterprise (represented by paid telephone that are ubiquitous in small storefronts), the cities’ Muslim neighborhoods and the lewd graffiti in suburban trains.

Mr. Chaudhuri is not alone in his attempt to capture the experience of commuting, of course. A long line of photographers have documented the rides on trains and subways across the world’s cities. In 2005, Travis Ruse, a photographer based in New York carried out a yearlong documentary project of the city’s commuters. American photographer Walker Evans did a series of subway portraits back in the late 1930s, using a camera hidden in his jacket. Bruce Davidson photographed New York’s subway system in the 1980s and German photographer Wolfgang Tillmans, who photographed commuters in London’s underground.

‘The Commuters’ will be on at The Curator’s Gallery, The Prince of Wales Museum till 29 April, 2012

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