from State clear UPSC exams   

By our Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, May 4: Five students from the State cleared the civil services
2011-12 examination, the results of which were declared by the Union Public 
Commission (UPSC) today. The successful candidates from the State are Mukesh
Pandey (14th rank), Dr Dhrubasish Kr Deka (295th rank), Satyakam Dutta (535th
rank), Priyanka Deka (666th rank) and Ananya Saikia (818th rank).

(The Sentinel,05.05.2012)


সমাজৰ কাৰণে ভাল কাম কৰাজনৰ পৰিচয় ৰাইজৰ আগত দাঙি ধৰিব লাগে আৰু ভাল খবৰবোৰ যিমান 
পাৰি ৰাইজৰ মাজত বিলাব লাগে।

                            ----  বুলজিৎ বুঢ়াগোহাঁই
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