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New York Times (May 15, 2012)

Africa and the Power of the Pivot
Published: May 14, 2012

By now, nearly everyone has heard of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India,
China and South Africa). Less known are the CIVETS (Colombia,
Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa) and MIST (Mexico,
Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey).
flexibility, Africa surpasses
Joao Silva for The New York Times
Northern Johannesburg, South Africa, in June 2010.

These acronyms are the product of brilliant branding, but with all due
respect to those who coined them, they tell us nothing about why these
countries were chosen as the ones best built to last.

There are so many crucial differences in their circumstances, strengths
and weaknesses that they can’t possibly be expected to maintain similar
paths. Some will rise, and others may fall.

With so much volatility in today’s world and so many domestic
distractions for the Western governments that have traditionally done
so much to contain it, individual emerging markets will need more than
strength if they are to fully emerge. They’ll need resilience. And that
will depend on their ability to give themselves a wide range of
options, particularly in the political and trade ties they forge.

In fact, with so many uncertainties these days in international
politics — from Europe’s crisis of confidence to long-term U.S. fiscal
woes to Arab world upheaval and a leadership change in China — a
developing country’s ability to avoid dependence for security and
prosperity on a single dominant ally has become more important than at
any time in decades.

Some of the states listed above — Brazil and Turkey, in particular —
provide excellent examples of what we might call pivot states, those
with the flexibility to pivot among potential partners. But there are
other countries and regions that will profit from their ability to

That brings us to Africa, a continent widely associated in the Western
imagination with poverty, corruption, conflict and disease. Yet Africa
has become the world’s most underrated growth story — in part because
many of its governments have developed the resilience that comes with
the ability to pivot.

You may have heard that Africa’s population surpassed one billion
people in 2010, but did you know that though Africa and India have
similar populations, Africans spent 35 percent more on goods and
services in 2008 than Indians did. The percentage of Africans who live
in cities is now comparable to that in China. By the end of this year,
the number of mobile phones across the continent is expected to reach
735 million.

Total foreign direct investment in Africa grew from $9.4 billion in
2000 to more than $60 billion in 2011. In addition, though many think
of Africa’s wealth primarily in terms of oil and metals production,
urbanization across the continent and growing middle classes in many
countries ensure that African economies that don’t export huge
quantities of commodities have grown almost as quickly as those that do.

Africa has achieved this success in part because many of its
governments can now pivot. For decades, African states were forced to
turn almost exclusively to the International Monetary Fund, World Bank
and Western governments for aid and investment, and the money often
came with conditions — like democratic reforms and greater openness to
Western investment.

Things have changed. Over the past decade, China has sharply increased
its investment in Africa, and state-owned companies have worked
alongside the state-backed China Development Bank and the China
Export-Import Bank to secure access to oil, gas, metals, minerals and
farmland across the continent. In 2010 alone, China’s trade with Africa
expanded by more than 43 percent, and the country replaced the United
States as Africa’s largest trade partner.

China and other emerging markets seem quicker than developed states to
recognize the value of closer ties with Africa. That’s why the BRIC
countries invited South Africa to join their club in December 2010,
adding the S. By traditional measures, South Africa’s economy can’t
compete with those of the other BRICS. The I.M.F. estimated in 2010
that its economy was less than one quarter the size of Russia’s, the
smallest of the original four BRICS. But South Africa is a member of
the Southern African Development Community, a collection of emerging
states that includes Angola, Africa’s second-largest oil producer,
Botswana, the world’s largest diamond producer, Zambia, the continent’s
biggest copper producer, and Mozambique, with enormous untapped
reserves of coal.

But this is not a story of emerging market triumph or of Western
decline. In fact, as East African countries like Kenya, Tanzania,
Mozambique and Uganda discover new deposits of oil and gas, and as they
work to develop energy alternatives like hydropower, geothermal energy
and wind power, Western companies like Total, Statoil, Eni and others
continue to outmaneuver less nimble Chinese competitors.

In addition, though Chinese companies have made friends within African
governments by bankrolling large infrastructure projects, they have
also alienated local communities by insisting that much of the
materials used in these projects come from China — and that roads,
bridges, port facilities and airports are built by Chinese workers.

This problem has already aroused anger in several African countries,
where Chinese workers deprive locals of jobs. There is no reason why
Western-based companies can’t exploit these vulnerabilities and compete
more effectively with Chinese companies.

But the real winner in this story is Africa, where dozens of
governments now have choices and can expect multinational and
state-owned companies from the developed and developing worlds to
compete for access to local consumers and favorable investment terms.
This is the power of the pivot.

Ian Bremmer is president of Eurasia Group and author of “Every Nation
for Itself: Winners and Losers in a G-Zero World.”New York Times (May
15, 2012)

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