Dear Friends

I had written to most of you in the morning about the situation of the
NE people in Bangalore. I had said that a few thousands had fled
Bangalore because of false rumours spread by some groups. I had
requested to tell your contacts in Bangalore and their relatives in NE
that they are safe and that they do not have to worry. They should not
leave Bangalore. I am just back after a full day of meetings and
discussion with various groups and this is the latest.

The first point is that it is true that many thousands have fled
Bangalore but we do not know the exact number. The railways announced
that 4,793 tickets were booked for Guwahati in a single day and they
have put two extra trains on the route. I have not heard the latest.
Secondly we found out who was behind the false rumours. It is the
fundamentalist group Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena - the group that was
behind the attack on Prashant Bhushan inside the Supreme Court
Premises. They have been sending SMS messages and writing on the
facebook that the Muslims are planning a massive attack on them after
ID and that they should leave Bangalore. They spread rumours that
there have already been many attacks and gave a mobile number to
contact in case of attacks or fear. One civil society person contacted
that number and asked the person who claimed to be head of the Sena
for details on the attacks. He said that he did not have any details
but had only heard of attacks. That is where we stand. Another rumour
spread that seven people had died in Nelasandra and three more in
Koramangala etc. on the outskirts of Bangalore. Inquiries showed that
they were false rumours. Persons who visited the railway station tell
us that around 100 persons belonging to this or some other similar
outfit are standing at the station with lathis on the pretext of
protecting people from the NE. All of it seems to be part of a well
worked out plan to cause panic through false rumours. They have also
been threatening people. This morning there was a threat on the Sena
facebook more or less like "You supporters of Bangladeshis, if you do
in Delhi what you are doing in other places we will break both your
hands and legs." Another message said "Instead of punishing the
Bangladeshis you are providing trains. You are anti-national." (this
is paraphrase, not the exact wording).

Have there been attacks? Yes, there were a few, some of them physical.
Most of them took the form of Muslim house owners asking the NE
tenants to leave the house for fear of attacks. Most of those who had
suffered some physical attacks have left. We do not know who attaccked
them. But the main problem is that people of NE live in fear and do
not report any attack. It happened after L. Richard's murder and it is
happening again. They are afraid of going to the police. So the work
during the day was to get details of any attacks suffered and to go to
the police.

A meeting of persons from NE was held at St Joseph's Arts and Science
collegpt e. The hall has place for 400 and at least 200 were standing
- All except 30 from NE, most of them students and also leaders of
different NE organisations. The Principal of the college Fr Daniel
Fernandes told them that these rumours are false and that they should
not leave. He has offered them space in the college to stay. Some
class rooms have been vacated and even girls will be allowed to stay
there till it is safe to move out. They have extra protection at the
entrance because the Sangh parivar can plan an attack. So they are
safe inside and girls have been given the safest place.

Leaders of six Muslim organisations and the Secretary General of the
Karnataka Federation of Muslim organisations told them that no Muslim
will plan any violence in the holy month of Ramadan and that the
rumours are false. They have stationed a few thousands of their cadres
all over Bangalore to prevent any attack on persons from NE. Their
protection will be the theme of the sermon in all the mosques of
Bangalore tomorrow. Also two police officers told them not to believe
the rumours. An NE delegation met the CM together with the Chief
Secretary and the DGP. All of them are feeling the pressure of the
combined effort of the NE-Muslim-civil society leaders and have
assured them full protection. Some persons have gone out already to
some sensitive areas in the suburbs to ensure their protection.

After the big meeting some of us met with the leaders of NE, Muslims
and others to discuss the strategy. A coordination group has been
formed with some NE, Muslim and civil society leaders. They will meet
once in two days to review the situation. They will hold a joint press
meet tomorrow. So please tell everyone that they are safe. Please give
them the contact numbers:

Police control room: 080-22942222. 09480801020. The name of the police
officer put specially in charge of this task is Mr D'Souza. (I have
forgotten his first name. The coordinator of the civil society
coalition that organised this meeting is: Manohar Elavarthi (0)

Please avoid all panic and reassure your people at home. The students
keep getting frantic calls from NE. Please reassure them. Bye


Dr Walter Fernandes
North Eastern Social Research Centre
110 Kharghuli Road (1st floor)
Guwahati 781-004
Assam, India
Tel. (+91-361) 2602819
Fax: (+91-361) 2602713 (Attn. NESRC)

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