In the Seminar EPIGENESIS Assam 2007 organised in January 2007 by the Assam
Institute of Management at Guwahati in my presentation "Diasporic Indian,
Assamese Diaspora and Networking" I mentioned "....Moreover the youth has to
work in an environment with several impediments. But the same people when
they go abroad they do well........ It seems the impediments are minimised
or they have discovered a method to circumvent them.  

            It is not only the students but also the faculty and management
are doing well and working in an environment to compete with the rest of the
world. As a result "at number 87, IIT Guwahati is top Indian university in
TIME rankings <> ".

            "The prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati has
taken India into the world's top 100 university rankings for the first time
with an entry at No 87. IIT Guwahati is the only Indian educational
institute in the 2014 league table of '100 Under 50' institutions released
by the 'Times Higher Education' (THE) magazine today".

Hearty congratulations to all who made this possible. You make us all very

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Wahid Saleh

The Netherlands


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